Spy Mage System

Chapter 28

“This spot is most certainly not fit to be magically transported anyplace,” Malachi said.

“Would it be advisable for us we go out to the front of the air terminal?” Nikki inquired. “It’s conceivable through the group we can magically transport.”

“That is a hazardous move, however,” September said. “We should get in a taxi and get dropped off at a place or something, then, at that point, we can do that. Keep in mind, we are attempting to be the most circumspect we can be. We’re about to take him out and take off without anybody ideally seeing us. We’re attempting to get the ban repudiated with the goal that we can graduate.”

“High gamble, high prize,” Tisiah said. “Splendous.” We traveled through the air terminal, and down the elevator to the programmed entryways driving outside.

Many individuals with their bags and portable items were strolling down the area and we glanced around, attempting to check whether any taxi was there or something to that effect. Be that as it may, all things being equal, there was nobody around.

Nobody, similar to maybe there was starvation of lookouts or something to that effect.

“We can magically transport at the present time,” I said. “There’s nobody here.” Every other person motioned and September murmured, getting out her wand and shutting her eyes.

Before sufficiently long, we were magically transported to where there was just blunt grass. Indeed, in a real sense simply grass. “Uh, this is the base?” Malachi asked, scratching his head in disarray.


“That’s right, this is the BMO base,” she said. “We simply have to track down how to get in, there’s no entryway or section or anything. It’s underground.”

As she was talking, I saw some kind of wire that was under the ground that was traveling through the field. “Guys, I see some wire, perhaps we can follow it and enter through it,” I said. “Nice,” Malachi murmured to himself, scouring his hands.

September and I followed the wire through the field, and soon enough we found an opening in the ground, which drove us inside. “Here guys!” I yelled to the others that were gradually following us. “We need to figure out how to get in, and quick.”

We immediately went down the steps, and we saw a lot of wires coming from the walls, all over. “Darn, what do they need just to control this entire spot, we haven’t even entered the fundamental region,” Nikki said.

“Perhaps it’s a major underground fortification,” Tisiah recommended.

“It must be,” I said. “On the off chance that it wasn’t, why might they have put the entry so distant from the fundamental region?” As we were strolling, we saw two guards that were remaining there, with weighty breaths that kind of started a little trepidation within me.

“Stop!” one of them hollered.

“Sorry,” I expressed, attempting to conceal my apprehension. “We’re here from the TSA in the US, we were requested here.”

The gatekeeper gestured and said, “Follow me, please.”

We followed him, and soon we arrived at a room with a PC that was connected to the web.

“What is this spot?” Malachi inquired.

“This is the war room,” the gatekeeper said. “Here, you can get to the framework.” He gave us a couple of gloves and a headset. “You folks can sign in also.”

“Oh,” I said, putting on the gloves and connecting the headset. “Thanks.” I sat down in front of the computer and I logged in, while everyone else waited behind me. It wasn’t hard to do so, the password was literally right under the keyboard. “Let’s see what information is behind here,” I said.

“Okay,” Malachi said.

“It says that the last login was yesterday at 4:00 pm,” I said. “Must’ve been doing work.” Once I accessed the computer, I saw a file called Meeting.4 pm. “Click that,” September said.

A screen popped up, showing a man with glasses and a white coat. He was in a seat, not seeming to be harmed as other men began to walk into the room, taking their seats.

“Good afternoon,” he said, looking around the room. “We’re just waiting for one more person.”

Suddenly, someone walked in and hate and disgust stung in our bodies. It was Demeitrus Rocke.

“Hello, gentlemen,” he said. “It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen each other, hasn’t it? Now, I hope this meeting is recorded. I’m sure you remember me, but let’s make it official. I’m Demeitrus Rocke, or Mr. Rocke as you all know what to call me. Now, you know about our idea to capture Dr. Jones in hopes of finding the weapon.”

“Weapon?” we all muttered, staring at the clip.

“What is this weapon called?” one of them asked. Rocke chuckled. “It’s a cloning device called the Armonk. We don’t know where it is yet, but we will soon. Dr. Jones was one of the scientists that was working on the weapon, and we need him to tell us where it is. I’m pretty sure we can break him easily.”

Then he suddenly looked at the camera as if he was talking to us. “Now I know you YMPA kids are probably watching this, but trust me, we were expecting you. I’m positive my guards already let you pass in just to see this message.”

My heart stopped cold, and I looked behind me seeing the two guards with their guns pointed at us.

“You can’t be serious,” I whispered to myself. We all looked around, seeing a lot more TSA guards behind us, just blending with the shadows. The clip ended right as they cocked their guns. “Hands up!” one of them shouted.

I turned around and saw a gun pointing at me. “Put your hands up!” another guard said.

“Wait, wait, wait,” I said. “Now you seem to underestimate us in what we can do.” I stood up, still holding my hands up. “And you thought we’d give you what you wanted without a fight.”

The guard said, “Don’t move!” and shot me in the leg. The pain burned in my leg, and I felt a tear running down my cheek. I fell to the ground, and I tried to hold back my scream. I felt the blood rushing out of it, and I knew I was going to die.

Suddenly, I heard a gunshot, and I saw the guard fall to the floor. Suddenly there was a commotion behind me and I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I heard Malachi yell, “Run!”

I tried to get up, but my leg burned even more in pain, and I couldn’t stand. Suddenly, Malachi reached his hand out to me, and I grabbed it, feeling the warmth of his touch.

“Come on, let’s go,” he said. Immediately we began to run through the command center before we rushed out into the hall. We ran and kept running until we found an elevator. As we got inside, I felt the warm glow of Malachi’s hand, and I held onto it tightly.

Pretty much, this was all planned!!!!

Suddenly, September heard her radio click on, and we suddenly heard Mr. Drails’s voice. “What are you guys doing?!” he shouted. “Did I not remove you guys from this mission?” September couldn’t find herself to say anything, and she just shook her head.

“Well, I’m coming, and once I transport you guys to the school, you’ll have a big explanation to do,” he said, and he shut off. “Oh, no,” she muttered, and she quickly pushed the button to close the doors.

“What can we do, how did he find us?” I asked.

“Doesn’t matter,” Malachi said. “He just can’t see us before he portals us back to the school again.

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