Spy Mage System

Chapter 39

Out of nowhere, the TSA agents that were nearby the Armonk, exchanged their heads at the window and soon enough, yells and orders roared in the air

“Sir!” one of them called.

Rocke immediately went out from the cockpit and inquired, “What?”

“Military planes are behind our tail!” the watchman said, and disturbance was communicated on Demetrius Rocke’s face.

“Take shots at them with your wands!” he said. “Man everybody to their stations!”

Before adequately long, men immersed my part of the plane and unexpectedly started to open the base door. Out of nowhere, a draw of wind got me and I battled to keep myself behind the corner. Men kept on climbing into the segment, taking out their wands and terminating at them.

I kept quiet the entire time, simply watching with dismay. The TSA agents shot bolts out of their wands at the dark and red military aircraft that were dragging along them, and they started to take shots at them, causing flashes and blasts.

Then, at that point, the warrior jets started to go after the plane, and I looked as the window glass broke, and I dodged under the cases. Glass showered through the area, and I covered my head with my hands, dreading for my life.


Before sufficiently long, the warriors attempted to fly into the plane, and I felt the vibrations of the plane unexpectedly shake exceptionally hard to where I could keep my position. However at that point one of the bolts figured out how to crash into the plane, and I could see the fire from the effect, and I looked as the wing of the plane started to consume. It started to slip down to where I was unable to see it, however more participated in the assault. Bolts and gunfire showered through the sky, and I covered my head with my arms, and I shouted out.

However at that point I mulled over everything, I could utilize this opportunity to attempt to get the Armonk!

Rapidly I jumped up to my feet and plunged towards the Armonk.

“One, eighteen – ” I stammered, feeling a significant burden of dread going through my body. I was unable to center, I was unable to fathom what the code was.

I mean it’s presumably best I simply bring the case and hop into the plane.

Then, at that point, my radio tapped on and I addressed it quickly, “Something occurred?!”

“Come on, you really want to get in!” he yelled. “Simply take the container with you!”

He was thinking what I was thinking.

“OK, I’ll be there in a moment,” I said, however at that moment I felt myself get hauled by the collar by somebody.

Rapidly, I shook him off and I jumped onto my feet, seeing three TSA agents with their wands prepared to charge me. I swallowed, yet obtained my own.

Then, at that point, they charged.

They swung their wands, however I immediately halted it with my wand, then I raised mine and terminated at them. They fell back, dazed.

I ran forward, tossing my arms around the Armonk, until one of them got me – delivering my hold. They tossed me to the cold earth, and a sharp aggravation consumed in my shoulder.

In any case, I wasn’t surrendering.

I got up and immediately utilized my wand to swing, and I hit the TSA agent who had snatched me in the jaw. He fell back, dazed. I went over to the one behind me, and I really do say – he gave truly a battle. He swung tenaciously, whipping over my head to where it was difficult to sidestep any strike, and afterward he’d come at me once more.

It took a great deal of work to evade his strikes in general, and despite the fact that I did ultimately figure out how to hit him in the stomach with the drag of my wand. In any case, utilizing that energy, he then whipped around and whirled, retouching into a roundhouse kick that hit straightforwardly at my face. I felt myself fall onto my back, moaning from the aggravation. However, once more, I got up, and this time – I won’t allow him to hit me once more. I swung my wand at him yet he avoided, and afterward I swung once more, yet he evaded once more.

And afterward I swung a third time, and he evaded once more.

Rapidly I utilized my leg and kicked his thigh, faltering his steadiness, and afterward I welcomed my wand down on him. He hindered, yet I cut my give over, and I snatched his wrist with both of my hands, and afterward I pulled him over me, hammering him onto the ground.

I immediately hopped up and held my wand high over my head, and afterward I checked him out. He saw me in dread, and afterward took out, his head dropping and hungover.

I inhaled vigorously, however now I could take it.

I immediately got the crate – however by and by, I was hauled back to the ground.

Yet, this time by Demetrius Rocke.

“Hi, little fellow,” he said with a giggle. “You are apparently lost don’t you?”

I got up and shouted as I ran towards him, yet moved out the way – winding up tumbling.

“You make a respectable attempt to be a covert operative mage, yet with the exception of it – you’re bad at it,” he said. “The way that you even have a Perk is irrational. You’d think your dad would’ve birthed somebody more brilliant than you, wouldn’t you say?”

Yet again I felt outrage bubble within me and I barreled towards him, however I felt myself lose my balance by and by.

“Kindly, quit embarassing yourself,” he said, giggling. “It’s making me chuckle.”

Irritation rose within me to a place where I shouted, not in any event, caring the amount it hurt, lastly gave a disaster for his face.

His wand dropped from his hand, and it slid over to the Armonk.

“Thus, no doubt about it,” he said, clearing a portion of the blood off his nose. “I can live with that.”

We took a gander at one another, my face fuming with disdain, however his face communicated with a tricky style.

The pressure proceeded to climb, and rose significantly more as we started to trudd all around, trusting that the ideal opportunity will strike.

Then, at that point, I swung my wand, however at that point he smacked it away, sending it taking off behind the cases. “Look who doesn’t have a wand now,” he said. “Welcome to the club.”

Quickly, I swung my clench hand towards him however he immediately went the punch, and I gave one more – yet he figured out how to dodge that one.

However at that point I hit his lower leg and stomach, utilizing both of my legs in an opportune request, then I kicked him personally in the chest.

He tumbled a little yet he actually kept his ground. He threw a punch, however rapidly my elbow manevered into a blockade, hindering his assault.

He grinned at me, and I could have done without it.

Then, at that point, he utilize my equivalent leg move however attempted to circle back to a speeding punch, yet that’s what I obstructed, gripping his wrist. He utilized the other and punched me the stomach, however at that point I utilized my leg once more, this chance to kick him in the shin. I immediately added a quick punch, which I got his cheek.

I was breathing vigorously, and I was perspiring. Yet, he didn’t appear to be bothered by any means. Rapidly I threw a punch, however he evaded, making me just swing at the air, before he elbowed me toward the back – hard.

I fell forward and moved to my feet.

“How can it feel little fellow?” he shared with me. I yelled as I threw a punch, yet he manuvered aside, and snatched my body, tossing me all the way down.

I gazed toward him, tears in my eyes, and I shouted at him. I got up to my feet, just to be met with a foot to the face, sending me to the ground.

“Get up,” he said. “Try not to surrender, kid. I figure you can put a preferred battle about that. You have a Perk, however yet you battle as though you were recently conceived!”

He kicked me once more, and I felt a stream of blood run down my face. I snarled and charged at him, just to get stumbled, and tumble to the ground.

“You will lose young man,” he said. “There’s is no way to bring me down.”

What’s more, right now, the motors of the plane detonated into a monster chunk of fire.

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