Spy Mage System

Chapter 70

At least we got the information we needed, and we were now closer to getting to Tisiah than we were before. If I’m being completely honest, I was a little disappointed that we didn’t find him there, but at least we found a lead.

I was so tired that I could barely keep my eyes open, but I knew that I needed to get some rest. I went over to my bed and plopped down onto it, not even bothering to take my shoes off.

I was startled by the sudden knock at the door. I had been so tired that I didn’t even hear it come up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to figure out who it could be. I slowly got up from my bed, my legs wobbling as I continued. I reached for the door handle, and with a bit of effort, I finally managed to open the door.

“Oh, September,” I said with a chuckle. “I thought you were...someone else at first.”

She nodded with a concerned face, and then she walked in as a rush of embarassment whipped against my face. September looked at me with a concerned face and then sat down. I could feel my face flush with embarassment, and I quickly looked away.

September looked at me with a concerned face and then sat down.

“So, what do you wanna tell me?” I asked, clearing my throat.

“Well, Nikki wants to talk to ya, just to let you know,” she said.


“Okay, that’s fine,” I replied. “I’m glad that she wants to talk to me.”

“It’s not like she never wanted to in the first place,” September said with a sly smirk. “Here’s the phone.”

“Thanks,” I said as I took the phone from her, holding it in my hand.

I walked over to my bed and sat on it again. September walked out of the door, taking one breathless look at me before she left. I placed the phone in my lap, waiting for it to ring.

“Hey Nikki,” I said into the phone after I pressed the button that turned the ringer on. I heard three long breaths before a voice slithered in the phone, “Oh, hey Connor, how are you?”

“I’m doing pretty good, yeah,” I said back. “How are you doing?”

“I’m okay, thanks,” she replied.

“So what did you want to talk about?” I asked her. That’s when she sighed as if something was wrong, and it began to make me feel even more worried.

“Connor, I’m just calling to ask you something,” she said.

“Okay,” I replied with a little nervousness in my voice.

“When I first saw you with my brother Tisiah, you may have not really noticed or maybe you did, but I felt something. My heart began to burn in excitement, and it was such a feeling that I couldn’t explain. But now I’ve realized what it was. I never really felt that feeling before.”

“What was it?” I asked, not knowing how to react.

“It was love,” she said. “I don’t know what it was, but I think you felt it too.”

Confusion was now rushing through me. What did she mean? Was she saying that she loved me? No, she can’t be saying that. It’s impossible. There’s no way that we would have feelings for each other.

“I think you’re speaking to the wrong person, let me call Malachi. I’m pretty sure you’ve seen him plenty of times before,” I said, not able to speak.

“No, no,” she said as she shook her head. “I think you’re talking about the wrong thing too..”

That sent shivers down my spine, and I could feel my heart starting to race. What do I do? What do I do? Do I go along with it? Should I say anything? I thought about how she felt about me, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up too much.

“I-I’m lost for words right now,” I said with my mouth hanging open.

Here’s the problem alright.

I already like September, and she already likes me, but now Nikki’s in the mix and it’s making everything more complicated. How will September react if she finds out that there is another girl who has feelings for me? And how would Nikki react if she found out? This whole thing is just making things confusing for me now, and there are a lot of questions that need to be answered.

Maybe they wouldn’t know that they both liked me at all, or maybe they’d be upset at me for not telling them sooner? Or maybe they would both like me even more than they thought? That could be a problem too.

“Look, you need to rest from your injury. Trust me, alright. Everything will be fine,” I said, trying to keep the panic from entering my voice.

“Okay, I’ll trust you,” she replied, sounding as though she didn’t quite believe me. “But you need to tell me more about your feelings for me. We’ve talked plenty of times before, so this should be easy for you.”

I hung up, and a feeling of dread came over me. Here’s the thing, I suspected this a while back after the whole Armonk mission. And my prediction was right, so what do I do now?

A knock on the door jarred me out of my thoughts. I quickly got up from my bed and went to answer the door. As soon as I opened it, I knew what it was from the concerned look on September’s face. “You guys done?” she asked.

I nodded as she looked me up and down. “Yeah,” I said. “Sorry about that.”

“Yeah well...” she began before she let out a long sigh. “It’s probably best that way.”

“What way?”

“Oh, nothing. Just...don’t worry about it,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders. “Everything’s gonna be okay.”

I gave a nod as she walked back out of my door. “Yeah, alright,” I said before I closed the door behind her.

But then, I heard a ring come from my phone. I quickly rushed back over and picked it up from the nightstand where it had landed after I hung up from Nikki. It was Mr. Drails.

“Uh, hello,” I answered.

He wanted us in his office now.


Mr. Drails looked up as we all walked in the room and gestured for us to sit down in the chairs in front of his desk. He looked at me with a curious expression as September sat down in the chair next to me and leaned against me.

“Alright!” he announced once Malachi took his seat. “Now, me and others have searched for the port whereas it may be in Cuba as the TSA agent said it may be. We didn’t see much, and I continued to question the agent. But then, I found this place on an island called St. Thomas.”

I was shocked at this news, but not too surprised. There were many places that the port could have been built in such close proximity to Cuba since it would be easier to settle there. “Now, I got some people to scout out the area for you guys, being that Rocke wasn’t there yet and here’s a picture.”

The screen rolled down to its position once again, and popped up a screen of a picture of a tropical island that had water surrounding it. There were several boats on the shore as well as other boats docked in the port itself. “This is St. Thomas, as you all know,” he muttered. Then he switched to a picture that showed a bird’s eyes view of the port, where guards and armed men could be seen patrolling the area and keeping people away from the port itself.

“Now, these are all pictures from a satellite. As you can see there are three armed men at the front of the port and two at the back.”

We all nodded at this, and then Mr. Drails continued. “There are also guards inside the port itself as well as inside the building itself. If you move the camera backwards, you can see two watchtowers as well as an armed man stationed at one of them.”

Mr. Drails paused again for a moment before he began to talk once again. “We’ve also noticed the skid marks on the road leading inside of the port. The path from the gate is pretty well worn out from the many trucks that go into it. But the main issue that we noticed was that there was some sort of white paint that had been splattered across the road in front, not sure what it was until we found this...”


My heart began to race just thinking of the thought of it.

Was one of Rocke’s people already here? Did they already take the Cybetron?

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