Spy Mage System

Chapter 125

September, Malachi, Greg and I started to move out of the room, traveling through the lobbies as we did as such.

I felt like I had done this multiple times at this point but I didn’t know why. We were going down the lift and we left out into a carport where I could see the van stopped there with the entryways open.

Greg scoured his hands, taking a gander at the vehicle with his eyes practically enamored with it. I didn’t have any idea what to say or what to do but I calculated that this is what was happening so I just tracked with as we moved toward the van.

I gazed at the entryway, seeing it not far behind us as I pivoted and saw September getting steering the ship, turning on the vehicle before I might really settle myself in my seat. “Dial back, we as a whole need to get in some way,” Malachi said, as September gave him a cross look prior to driving forward a smidgen all the more powerfully prior to going left on Calico Road.

When we got onto the street, we were moving quick to the point that we were almost hitting each vehicle that was around us. Sounds and yells went over each and every side road and street as individuals hollered at us to dial back but it was very much late by then.

I could see that September was driving quite well and that she was doing whatever it takes not to collide with anything since she continued to turn on red lights on the off chance that she didn’t care the slightest bit. But she said her dad was a skilled accomplice or the like, except if I’m off-base, and that should mean she is an extraordinary driver since she appeared to do it quite well.

As she kept driving, I watched through of the window as I saw different vehicles moving gradually close to us on the streets while we drove at maximum velocity. Out of nowhere, September floated hard onto a parking garage, leaving slide denotes that might have been seen for a significant distance and making every one of different vehicles collide with one another as they attempted to stop.

We at long last ground to a halt, and I could hear individuals shouting at us as we opened our entryways and ventured out. I would whine and take cover behind the vehicle to stow away from the shame, but we have something important to take care of and we can’t simply go stowing away. We needed to do what we needed to do.


We strolled over towards the high rise that we had been searching for. It was a major high rise, and it seemed like the greater part of the inhabitants were away on vacation or something to that effect. Vehicles were scarcely left, and there were a couple of elderly folks individuals who visited the home.

“That is all there is to it,” September said. “We should go.”

We started to stroll towards the high rise as we attempted to keep our eyes on the windows that were confronting the road. “This spot appears to be scary or some likeness thereof, and where are the vehicles that were left here. Except if they left,” Malachi said. “That doesn’t be sound great, really.”

“Not the slightest bit,” I expressed, viewing at the windows as we strolled nearer to them. The structure had many windows on it, and there were around seven individuals sitting within it, simply sitting on sofas and eating their food from the cooler. We strolled over towards one of them, doing whatever it takes not to utter a sound.

“Hello I don’t exactly...” he said, out of nowhere halting to an end. “What?” I asked, and as I showed up, I looked forward to see a major line of left dark vehicles, with monitors before them. “Oh joy,” Malachi mumbled, and I could feel the apprehension fill my body as we saw many watches all wearing dark tuxedos leave towards the structure as we got increasingly close to them.

“Alright, everybody remain cool-headed,” September expressed, checking out by any means of us. “Remain composed.” I nodded my head in understanding while every other person appeared to be overreacting a smidgen. I realized we needed to remain even headed and simply manage this.

We before long strolled onto the road, only a couple of feet from the gatekeepers who were out there before September moved toward them. “Anybody got the eyes of Bricklayer?” September asked, attempting to remain secret as she searched for a gatekeeper who knew what mason’s identity was.

After a couple of seconds, one of them stood up and said, “Hello you!”

I started to freeze up, hearing those two words in my ears. It was like I was in a fantasy; my heart was beating in my chest and I was frozen completely still as I watched her stroll over towards this gatekeeper. “Hello what?” September asked, changing her suit. “Do you have any idea about where Weave is?”


“Indeed Sway, he’s our commander. He said he planned to check something and we haven’t seen him since,” he said. September nodded and I could see she was likely perspiring in her jeans since her face appeared to have an intensity upon it.

She then shouted out, saying, “I don’t have the foggiest idea who you’re discussing but on the off chance that he hasn’t arrived, then you won’t see him. Who’s the second in command?”

“The person by the limo,” he said. “Joe.” September nodded prior to glancing back at us with a smile.

“Okay you folks stand by here,” she shared with the gatekeeper. “We’ll be back.”

She strolled back to us, accepting exceptionally full breaths as she talked into the headphone. We then heard her say, “Okay, we should go.”

“We should go, what?” Greg asked, scratching his head and checking me out. “Move in,” she said, nodding her head to the gatekeepers who were sitting tight for us. We started strolling towards them as they viewed at us with disarray as we did as such. “Remain here, we’ll actually take a look at inside to check whether Bricklayer is getting along nicely,” she said.

We started to stroll in through the primary entry of the structure with September right at the front while us all were toward the rear of her with Malachi driving the way. There was a work area forthright where a young woman was sitting, taking a gander at her PC screen and composing ceaselessly on her console. We strolled over to her work area as September made a sound as if to speak prior to talking.

“Do you have any idea where Bricklayer is?” she asked the woman who gazed toward her as she talked. The woman nodded and answered, “Yes he ought to be in the gathering room right now with his partners.” She pointed over to another room further inside the structure as we strolled around there, cautious not to stumble on anything.

“OK, so what do we do once we get in there?” Malachi asked, glancing around as he took a full breath. I was at that point starting to perspire from simply being so near such countless gatekeepers, and I started to feel wiped out in my stomach from it. “Do whatever it takes not to look dubious,” September said, as we nodded our heads in understanding.

We came to the room with no difficulty as we strolled within it. As we strolled in, the room was totally not the same as what I anticipated. Rather than the warm brown wooden floors, there were tiles that were blue and white; I thought they were cool at first but it immediately started to get more smoking as I ventured within it. The walls resembled that terrifying dark and white tone as well as the roof. The lights in here were white but they additionally had an orange shine to them also which appeared to match the walls and all the other things in this room well overall.

As I peered down, I saw Bricklayer, who was wearing a dark suit with a tie, and he was by all accounts extremely pale.

He had a thick earthy colored cover around his neck with his hair covered under it while he scoured his temple with his left hand and gazed toward the roof in the room. Furthermore, before him was a man who had a buzzcut and a messed up dress shirt, with jeans and shoes that was restricted to a seat, with blood on it as well as on his hands too. The man was simply remaining there seeing nothing but gazing into space for seemingly a really long time on end with his hands bound behind his back while Bricklayer took a gander at him menacingly.

“I believe that is Petrov,” Greg murmured.

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