Spy Mage System

Chapter 242 - 242 Fulton’s Arrival

It explains things in the most complex way you could think of, and based on your small understanding, none of the answers sound correct!

Nonetheless, I did it, and I can only expect a C at best. I was in the halls, which were filled with students and the loud and bellowing sound of conversations.

In fact, it was so hideous, it was too easy to hear my phone ringing. I picked it up, seeing that Greg called me. This had to be about our other problem.

I answered immediately. “Yeah, what’s up?” I asked. Silence followed after that, before Greg responded with, “Now I know that you may not want to see him. But Fulton wants to talk with us, like, see us.”


“I don’t know, maybe he has something to show us. I don’t know.”

“Well, did you ask him?” I asked, my interest at its peak. Greg said, “Yes, but then he hung up. I think it’s a surprise.”

“Obviously, it just depends if it’s a good one,” I said. “What do you got on Mr. Drails?”


“Not sure, I activated that camera thing on him again, so we might see the footage sometime soon. Maybe after speaking with Fulton. Or maybe we can show it to him or something. It depends,” Greg said.

“Well a few hours ago, I talked to September and the rest of my team. Figures out, Matthew Lock was paid to do it for them. He never decided randomly to join them,” I said.

“Obviously. You think out of his own heart he was going to betray the YMPA. Of course money was involved.”

“So we’re going to pretend as if we’re the TSA.”

Silence took the phone, and for a long moment, before Greg responded with a loud shout, “What?!”


“How, why, who…who thought of that?” Greg asked. I took a deep breath before I returned, “Mr. Drails did, I think.”

“Well, not gonna lie, he’s a genius.”

That took me completely off guard, I’m not even going to say otherwise. He really had me in the first half. “Yeah, I guess,” I said with a chuckle, unsure whether to laugh or not.

“Now thinking about, what do you think he’s gonna do with the virus?” Greg asked.

“I think that’s something we ought to figure out, don’t you think?” I said, after a few seconds of consideration.


After time at the YMPA passed, I was brought home via Mr. Drails’s portal, then I booked it straight to Greg’s house. If Fulton was going to arrive, I needed to get there quick. But once I arrived, I didn’t see any other car at the parking driveway or anywhere beside his house. I pressed the doorbell, but no answer. I didn’t know what to do, but I needed to know what was going on.

I turned around to look at the door, and then I heard it open. I saw Greg open the door, and he quickly rushed me inside. He then closed the door, gesturing with his head for me to go upstairs. I nodded, and I went up the stairs before I entered his room. He followed after me, before he opened his laptop and plumped onto the bed.

“Is Fulton not coming? Is this some sort of trick?” I asked, looking out the window just in case he suddenly arrived. Greg shook his head. “He specifically called me. He somehow found my number.”

“What? How?” I asked, still confused.

“I don’t know,” Greg said. “He didn’t tell me how, but he was very specific. He told me to be here, and he’d be here. And so far, he hasn’t shown up. So, I’m afraid to say that I don’t know what’s going on.”

“Well he better arrive soon,” I said, adding a few nervous chuckles in the mix. “Because it’s taking a lot of nerve to actually wait for him.” Greg could only give a quick laugh, probably to just calm things down. I then grabbed the chair and sat on it, my hands holding the sides of the seat. “Okay, I’ll try to keep calm. Let’s just wait for him.”

“Yeah, let’s.”

We both had our phones on, and we were constantly glancing at them. But as we did, suddenly, the sound of an engine faintly creeped in through our window. Instantly, our heads rocked towards the window, staring and glaring, looking and searching, for any sort of car that would turn over the corner.

Figures it wasn’t one car. It was ten of them.

“Whoa,” I muttered, seeing the single-file line of cars follow behind one another. The first car was a black limousine, and then they all followed behind it. The next one was a red sports car, which I recognized as one of the latest models, followed by two more black limousines. The other six were these big Escalades or something, and their color glistened through the black night.

I stared at the line of cars, watching them drive by the house.

“What’s going on?” I asked, still in awe of the sight. Suddenly, they stopped, the line reaching on both ends of the house. I was legit scared, but also intrigued. I stood up, walking to the window, and I peered through it.

“What’s going on?” I repeated, but then I realized, “Oh, right. Fulton.”

“Yeah,” Greg said. “Let’s go meet him.”

We rushed out the door and down the stairs, and we quickly approached the door, only to see three men with these black suits that were rid of any hairs or stains. They looked clean as if they were just purchased a few minutes ago.

“Fulton sent us,” one of the men said. “Please come in.”

“Yes, thank you,” I said. “Please, I need to speak with him.”

“Of course,” the man said, opening the door for me. “Just wait a moment.”

Once the door opened, the man himself was revealed like some golden artifact. The man, Fulton, looked at me with this innocent smile that had a hint of cunning at the side of the plate. He was dressed in a black suit that was made of silk, with a white dress shirt underneath it. His hair was short and neatly groomed.

“Hello, Connor,” he said, his teeth almost glowing. “Hasn’t been too much of a while has it? I missed you, and I’m very glad you’re okay.”

“Yes, I am. How come you didn’t come for us when we got captured by Dr. Mord?” I asked. “The YMPA themselves had to come for us.” Fulton chuckled, then looked up. “Now, now, let’s take a breather shall we?” he said. “Agent Nelson suggested that we fall back. I had to notify Mr. Drails for you.”

“Oh, you notified him?”

“Yes, how else do you think he knew?”

“Because they know where we are at all times, being that our radios are on us at all times,” I said, my eyes widened to emphasize my point. Nonetheless, he pushed it to the side and said, “Well, I’m glad that you’re here. Come, sit. I have something to show you.”

I took a step forward into the car, and Greg followed along, and I noticed that his bodyguards were with us. They weren’t carrying any weapons, but they were wearing black suits and black shirts. Maybe they had some sort of weapon concealed somewhere secret on them, although I couldn’t be too sure.

Fulton continued, “We have something important to show you, Connor. You’re going to be quite surprised. And it’s something that might even make you say, ‘I should have known.\'”

“Okay, what is it?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Greg added, which wasn’t needed.

“Well, we figured out that Mr. Drails is trying to make friends with the SAF and the BMO. We weren’t sure why at first, and that’s why I contacted you. Now I didn’t know at first if you were dead or not, until I found that you had a friend—brother—in this case. Greg.”

“Hmm,” I mumbled, following his story.

“He, in return, contacted you and was working with you to find out Mr. Drails’s true intention. Since we haven’t found out until now, at least you saw that your father, Connor, had different intentions for your missions that you thought.”

“Yeah, I did. I guess.”

“And so we decided to do what I had always wanted to do.”

“And what was that?” I asked.

“To find the truth.”

“Yeah, I remember. I don’t know why you’re saying this now.”

“Because we found the truth,” Fulton said. “But I’ll tell you once we get to one of my C.A.M buildings here in a second.” We pulled out of the neighborhood, and we were now in the busy streets. Lights from the stoplights glared through the sky, as well as the cars’ headlights. I didn’t know where we were going, but I trusted that he did. I glanced at Greg, who just shrugged his shoulders.

“You’re going to explain what you meant by the truth, right?” Greg said.

“Yes, once we get there,” Fulton said, nodding. “It’s not too far away.”

“Okay, so what is this truth you’re talking about?” I asked.

“Well, I’ll tell you once we get there,” he said, laughing. He was quiet for a few moments, and he looked at me, his eyes glowing, and his teeth gleaming. He then said, “I believe I have a solution for the problem at hand. And I believe it’s a good solution. In fact, the only solution. Now I’ll only tell you a part of it, because I’m a bit too hyped to keep the suspense.”

How he was setting this up, and the way that he was advertising it was almost making me to hype to tolerate all the suspense.


“Do nothing.”

The silence was almost insulting. My head was filled with so much confusion, it was literally impossible to even say anything. “What, what do you mean…” I said. “How does that even make anything better?”

“Because it’s the only answer. I can guarantee that this will work, and I’ve done it before. But first, I need to take you to the C.A.M base. And then we will explain more about things there. It sounds weird, but just trust the process, alright?”

“That’s what I’m doing,” I said. “Because you got me on thin ice here.”

“It’s fine. Just come with me,” he said, his voice cracking, his head turning to the right. I then followed his gaze, and I saw we were in front of the C.A.M base. It was mighty high. And I mean mighty high.

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