Spy Mage System

Chapter 264 - 264 Bane vs. Connor

The rushing wind that overtook the place whipped against my body and my face, as the blades of the helicopter traveled the wind through the area.

I could see Malachi and September exit their flying transport, with their guns drawn and faced at Lock.

“Don’t move!” September shouted.

Malachi didn’t say anything, but his gun was still locked on Matthew’s chest. Any move Matthew made meant imminent death.

I looked back at him, in which he looked at me, his eyes widened with fear and panic. “Now you have a choice,” I said. “Surrender and live, or run and die. Your pick.”

But then, as if it wasn’t chaotic enough, I heard, “I’ll give you two a choice instead.”

Me and Matthew turned around to see three TSA vehicles parked, with men pouring out of them, and Luthor Bane standing in front of them like some king.

He chuckled, “You and your YMPA children will mind your own business, and Matthew Lock gives me both my money and the virus. Or, both of you can try something funny and die in the process of your joke. Please choose wisely, I don’t want to be here long.”


Matthew Lock’s face seemed lost, but also disgusted. Nikki, who Tisiah was still nursing, looked at me, her face fearful and scared.

I couldn’t let this continue. I had to make the best choice for all of us.

I closed my eyes, and focused on myself, my mind, and my body. I felt the energy, the red energy flow brightly through me.

Yes, there we go.

I opened my eyes and looked deadly at Luthor Bane. His eyes widened, as he saw my eyes glaring with a red beam.

“Shoot him!” I could hear him shout, as all the agents unloaded their weapons. Their bullets shot towards me, but once I stomped the ground, the bullets turned to dust.

Every car and every object big or small jumped into the air, and shattered glass soared through the sky. Explosions erupted once the cars landed on the ground, and groans and screams of pain followed shortly.

I looked around, seeing the destruction and smoke billow around me. That was my choice. And I think it was a good one.

But then I heard, “Connor!”

I turned around to see Nikki and everyone else right behind me. “Over here!” Malachi shouted, in which I quickly followed him.

But something grabbed my collar and shoved me to the ground. Or in this case, Luthor Bane. He looked down at me, his eyes glaring with anger, and possibly annoyance.

I crawled to one of the fiery cars, trying to lift myself up using the window regulator. He slowly walked towards me like a predator watching his prey, his footsteps slow and menacing.

“You know, you forget that my father is the literal president of the TSA, and you know what that means.”

All of a sudden, he began to duplicate himself, as more bodies of him lined up against me.

“How about now?” he muttered.

I looked at Malachi and the rest of them who were looking back in horror. “You cannot stop me with this, my friend!” Luthor Bane shouted, following with a crazed laugh.

“Guys, I’m quite positive I’m going to need your help with this,” I said, looking at them with widened eyes, which they were welling up.

“Don’t worry, we got you. Me and Malachi and Tisiah will help Connor, Nikki, you need to search for those two briefcases,” September said.

“I already got my men on that, she won’t find time,” he said with a chuckle. “Give up, children.”

Malachi, September and Tisiah unsheathed their wands, ready for a fight. “I don’t think we want to,” I said, crawling up to my feet.

He chuckled, looking at us cunningly before he sent his duplicates against us.

I charged up my Perk, and readied for the battle.

Two of himself dashed towards me for a challenge, in which I backed up. I looked at both of them, deciding which to do first.

The one on the left quickly attacked me, in which I fought him off quickly. The other began to release a blast of attacks, in which I quickly dodged.

After a few misses, I finally managed to catch him right at his jaw. He fell down, and disappeared, leaving a dust pile of glitter before it too disappeared.

Two down.

Then another two set their eyes on me, and charged at me. These ones were advanced however, as if I just unlocked a new level.

They attacked at the same time, rather than just letting one have a go at it, and then give the turn to the other after they were defeated.

It was a struggle having to block punches flying at me from every direction at once. It was difficult, and I knew I was going to need some help.

Quickly I kicked the two of them to give me some space, in which I readied my Perk. I stomped the ground, in which they flew into the air.

One of them flew in a completely different direction, in which that one was gone, but one of them was in the air and was still within my reach.

I jumped up and soared through the air, before I punched the duplicate, sending it down to Earth.

Once it hit the ground, it disappeared in the same pile of glitter.

I returned to the ground, as I studied the area. The duplicates were slowly beginning to surround Malachi and the rest of the team.

They swung and swung, but it seemed as if the duplicates were copying each other.

“Guys, I’m coming!” I shouted, but then I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around, to see Luthor Bane’s smirk.

“Not yet. I’m not done with you,” he said, chuckling. “Fight me, kid.”

I looked at him, my chest expanding as my lungs inhaled. I continued to stare at him, waiting for him to do his move.

But nothing happened.

“Well, you gonna—” All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain behind me as I fell to the ground, rolling before I bumped into a pole.

Did he just teleport?

I crawled onto my feet, seeing his smirk, as he tilted his neck side to side, and I could hear the crackling of his joints.

“I expected better, Connor,” he said. “Use your Perk! I want a real fight.”

I coughed, feeling as if my heart was going to bust from all the pressure beating down on it.

He sighed, and his face was drawn with annoyance.

“Fight me!” he shouted. I staggered to my feet, and pulled up my fists.

“There we go!” he said, chuckling which slowly intensified into a cackling laugh. “There’s the Connor I like.”

He rushed at me, and I rushed at him. I threw two punches at him, but his elbows quickly came to the rescue.

But then, as I tried to throw another one, it was suddenly clutched by his hands, and he shot a kick at my chest. I flew and dropped to the ground, rolling before I returned to my feet, stopping the moving momentum.

He chuckled, slowly walking towards me as if he was trying to regain his energy. I needed to use that to my advantage.

I quickly brought myself to run at him, in which I threw a punch and he weaved, giving a good right to my cheek.

I stumbled.

But then I tried to go with the elbow approach, but he caught that and twisted it to where he could give a good jab to my nose.

He did, and I staggered back.

I violently shook my head, trying to get my senses back together. What was I doing? I wasn’t like this. Was I just nervous or scared?

I moved my head around in a slithering motion, before round three began. Two punches came at me, but I blocked them quickly, before adding a quick elbow to stun Luthor Bane.

I threw two punches, but they missed from his brisk dodge. He tried to finish me with a roundhouse kick that probably would’ve ended my career, but the rushing wind pulled me back, and my heart throbbed from the immense amount of pain that jolted at that moment.

“Where’s the offensive?” he asked. “I’m not feeling it.”

A pack of punches followed his words, in which I dodged two, and blocked three. I hit him in the elbow, in which by the side of my eye, a trash can was present.

I quickly rolled on top of it, my feet propelled in a way in which two kicks came across his face.

He flew from the air, but didn’t miss the landing. Shock was the only thing drawn on my face.

“Nice attempt,” he said, dusting off his hands. I wasn’t amused.

Quickly I ran towards him, throwing a swing in which he blocked. He gave two quick punches to my chest, and the pain of the two merged together into a pulsating bolt of pain.

I stumbled back, trying to catch up with the pain that was pumping in my chest. But he didn’t give a care in the world.

He threw a right across my jaw once again, and the entire process repeated. More punches and more kicks and more attacks kept popping up everywhere, not giving me enough time to even recover.

The pain was dragging me to my knees, as I stumbled onto the hood of a TSA vehicle.

“What’s wrong, are you a bit too tired?!” he asked. He threw a hard punch at my cheek, and my brain wobbled inside my skull.

“Do you need a little nap?!” he shouted.

This time, he grabbed my entire body and threw me back onto the hood of the car. The glass shot out and covered the hood.

I groaned, unsure if I was going to be able to get up ever again at this point. The pain soared through my body, and cries of agony was the only thing I could speak.

“I remember when you shot me with that dart gun, and I allowed you to disrespect me like that,” he said. “It’s such a little mistake that I’m super ticked off about. Don’t you think? Oh well, it doesn’t matter much anyways, I’ll just finish you right now.”

Slowly, he got out his wand, flipping it around like some staff before he stopped, allowing me to see the sharp-edged top of his wand.


“Have a good day, Connor,” he said, chuckling before laughing before cackling.

But all of a sudden, soaring through the air were two briefcases, flying as if they had wings. They sped down towards me, and immediately I knew what was going on.

Quickly, I pushed my body back onto my feet, hopping over Luthor Bane in the process. The briefcases continued to descend towards Earth, in which I quickly caught the two briefcases.

I felt my heart beat fast in shock, as I slowly turned to see Luthor Bane’s confuddled face. “Well, that’s unfortunate,” he said with a chuckle.

All of a sudden, his wand swung towards me, and all of a sudden, a sharp, stabbing pain in my stomach throbbed as I just realized what happened.

I looked down, seeing my hands swallowed with blood, and my shirt stained badly with that same red substance.

I looked up, seeing Luthor Bane chuckle as he retreated his weapon. “Night night,” he said, as I slowly felt my body dropping to the ground.

My eyes trembled as they began to shut, before finally darkness was the only thing I could view.

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