Spy Mage System

Chapter 269 - 269 Time to Spend

The floor was covered with a tan carpet, which there was this soiled stain that was in the middle of the carpet.

Great start, just great start.

“Well, to be honest, I kind of expected worse,” she said, looking around though not exactly satisfied. I shrugged. “I guess.”

She sat down in one of the sofas, which immediately leaned back, before she caught herself and put the sofa back in its original placement.

“Well, what do you say that we do?” I asked. She rubbed her chin and a smile stretched across her face. “We relax, while we just plan a ticket for California for tomorrow or the day after that. We can maybe order some food, turn on the TV and you know—have fun.”

Suspicion was already in my mind once she said ‘relax.’ That was—for some reason—a red in my book. Not sure why though.

“Sure,” I said. “Let’s just see if this place has any more disgusting secrets.” She chuckled with a little wheeze, before she plumped down onto the sofa, looking around before she reached for the remote.

I went towards the dining area, which was a table with four chairs. I closely examined the table, which was actually quite clean.


At least we can eat with some sort of decency. I heard the TV power up to life, as the news channel played on the screen.

Immediately Brie changed the channel, which she set eyes on this movie or show. She set the remote down, laid back, and watched. Then, she looked at me and said, “Do you want me to order the ticket?”

“You should do the ticket, I’ll just do the food. If the TSA see me trying to leave for California, things will go upsettingly wrong.”

“You use big words,” she said. “Must be an educated scholar, aren’t you?”

“And you’re not?” I asked, concerned. She shrugged with a vague answer. “I was in high school, but then I dropped out to focus on being a full-time spy mage. I liked the danger, the adreanline, the feeling of incoming threats. It’s something much better than just school.”

I nodded slowly. She was an interesting individual, and I mean that with no remorse. She was careless and brave like those big muscular bodybuilders or heroes from Hollywood.

She just liked danger. I mean, I gotta respect it, not gonna lie.

I reached for my phone, and I pulled it out. “Doordash or Uber Eats?” I asked. She turned around slowly, her face a bit exasperated. “What’s the difference?”

“I dunno, just which one?”

“Do Grubhub.”

“I’m sorry…Grubhub? What is that—”

“You know, do which ever one you want, I don’t want to miss this,” she said, her eyes peeled on the screen. I leaned over to see what she was watching in the first place.

“Um, what is that?” I asked, as she turned to look at me. “Oh this is that new show—um—Runter’s Tale,” she said. I muttered to myself in confusion. “What is…Runter’s Tale?” I asked.

“Oh, you gotta watch it to understand it,” she said. I chuckled, and answered with a sarcastic tone, “You don’t say.”

“Mhm, amazing showm with good acting, beautiful storyline, one of the best special effects I’ve seen for a show, and the critics are also in favor of this one as well,” she said. “It’s a winner.”

“Something there might be a little biased, isn’t it?” I said, to which she shot me a defensive look. “No, of course not!” she said abruptly. “Nonsense.”

“Alright, do you just want Panda Express or—” “Yes, definitely,” she said, as I stammered, eventually drawing to a close.

I added the Chow Main and Orange Chicken as well as some rice, you know—the usual, into the cart. I ordered it, making sure to put cash. We were basically rich in cash, which I’m very sure is not common nowadays.

“Alright, so I got the food, which it should be coming shortly,” I said, looking at her as she returned with a smile. “C’mon, watch this show with me and just see how amazing it is.”

I nodded and looked out the window. Night was about to fall on us. I looked back down, as the show played on the screen.

Slowly, the show began to grab my interest, as I continued to stare at the screen, anticipating for what happens next.

Which then, right at that moment, the doorbell rung. “Oh, it must be here,” I said, getting up from the couch and walking over to the door.

I opened it, seeing an employee with blue hair, black acryllic nails with stars decorated on it. “Oh, let me just get my—” I said, reaching into my pocket and grabbing the bundle of money I had, as I gave it to the deliverer.

“Thank you,” she said. “Have a nice day!”

“You too,” I said, as I closed the door. I turned around, and Brie’s face was already ravenous for the food in my hand.

“I’ll grab you a plate if you want, alright?” I asked, a bit fearful of what she was going to do. She continued to stare at me, and to follow my movement.

Eventually, she returned back to her show, her eyes glued to the screen.

“Heh,” I muttered to myself, as I set up two plates for each of us, as the aroma lifted up into my nose, and the pleasure I had from it calmed me.

I brought it over to Brie, as the aroma caught her attention. She looked at me with a smile, as she accepted the food. “Come on, I think the episode is almost ending.”

“How long is each episode?” I asked, as I began to take the noodles into my mouth first.

“An hour and twenty,” she responded, in which shock was written all over my face. “An hour and twenty?” I asked.

“Yeah, a lot happens in these episodes,” she said. “And there’s still twenty episodes each season.”

“I’m almost afraid this show is gonna jump the shark,” I said, taking a bite out of the chicken, which the flavor burst into my mouth.

“Jump the shark? What kind of nonsense is that?” Brie asked, confused and possibly worried to be honest.

“Jump the shark means the plot basically goes to rock bottom, and nothing makes sense any more,” I said, in which she nodded slowly.

“But you did say that this show had like a very good plot so I’m trusting you on that,” I said, shrugging. She shot a look at me, and then she shook her head, turning her face back to the screen.

“Jump the shark,” she muttered to herself. “That sounds like a dance move.”

“Dance move?”

She suddenly shot her head at me, like I didn’t hear anything. “Yeah…that’s right,” she hissed, looking at me up and down. “Dance move.”

To be honest, I just felt like laughing at that moment.

“Alright, let’s watch shall we,” I said to her, and she nodded confidently as we looked at the screen. Time passed by more and more, as we continued to watch Runter’s Tale.

Slowly, her head slid down from the couch and rested on my shoulder. She looked up at me and smiled, and continued to snuggle up on me. Well, I didn’t expect this.

I rested my hands on her shoulder, which she grabbed it and slowly moved it to rub against her shoulder. She looked at me, her eyes twinkling like the stars on that delivery person’s nails.

Then, the snoring arrived to the scene.

I looked down, and I saw her eyes closed and asleep. “Well, good night, I guess…” I muttered as I turned off the TV and immediately headed for the room. I walked inside, looking at the properly-made bed that was in front of me, in which I was quite surprised.

I looked back in the living room, seeing her still asleep, and probably having dreams by now.

I sighed, and I walked over and picked her up, her skin smooth and warm, but I shook my head to get myself out of it.

I put her on the bed, and arranged the sheets around to cover her. I then went towards the right side, and I climbed in, covering the sheets on top of me. I turned around to look at her, in which something in my heart slowly began to beat a little faster.

I didn’t want to say that it was feelings. Maybe it was just, I don’t know, something. Maybe it was—maybe it is feelings.

But her attitude is completely different from mine, but maybe that’s what it is. She’s a wild, brave, and strong woman. I’m more of a timid type of guy, and I guess I admire that.

Nonetheless, I guess today’s over, and tomorrow is going to present a whole other set of problems.

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