Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 432

“Now, look here.” The student affiliated with the Perlas family pointed at a wooden board with many marks on it. “It is hard for servants to comprehend, so this is the easy version.”

“The stakes are currently one point twenty times return for Kilo Blackheart and three times return for Vincent Lionheart. Also, we will stop accepting new bets after ten minutes or when one of the participants shows signs of tiring from eating before the ten-minute mark.”

“Great. Then I want to bet forty silver coins on Vincent Lionheart.” Ester excitedly said. She trusted Vincent to be the winner, so it was a free win in her eyes.

“Ahh. So you want to bet on your master.” The student received the money and counted it. “Everything is in order. Tell me your name and I will make you a ticket with your name and master’s name.”

“Master, hehe.” Ester giggled at the thought of having Vincent as her master. “My name is Ester Lionheart. I support my husband even if he does something with no chance to win.”

The student who talked to Ester and the others managing the gambling group were surprised. They dazed for a moment before resuming what they were doing and finishing the transaction.

Ester looked at the ticket in her hands and smiled. She looked pretty delighted, as if in her hands was the winning ticket. The people who overheard her bet shook their heads because Vincent was currently losing by many plates.

Ester returned to her seat and winked at Lilith. The two smiled at each other and turned their gaze back at Vincent. He was still losing, but his stomach could hold enough food to construct a large mansion as that was the amount of material Byron Sunrise asked Vincent to transport.


In other words, unless Vincent were caught cheating, Kilo would need to increase his stomach capacity limit more than a hundred times.

Time passed, and empty plates were collected rapidly. The previous four maids became twelve.

Six were on Vincent’s side. One had her hands filled with taking the questionably clean empty plate and balancing the plate on the others. The other five took turns pushing the tray carts. They had to rush onto the stage, which was tiring for them.

In other words, none of the maids had the luxury to look at vincent carefully and see faint green light entering his mouth.

“How can they fit all the food in their bodies?”

“Kilo Blackheart is becoming bloated, but look at Vincent Lionheart! He looks completely fine.”

“I thought he was using a Bag Of Holding in secret. But Duke Biro Hawkins, the maids, or the presenter would have found out by now.”

“Yeah. It is suspicious. But Kilo Blackheart is also eating suspiciously too.”

“Shh. Don’t let anyone hear you. Many students are in his clique.”

The audience commented on what was happening. Some spoke their minds. Some were cautious of Kilo Blackheart’s clique targeting them in the future. Others tried to guess how a person could fit all the food in their bellies.

Vincent stopped eating and stood up. This was a surprise to everyone as this action could only mean one thing. Vincent was about to announce his surrender. However, the opposite happened.

Vincent pulled up his sleeves, cracked his neck, and announced in a loud voice, “I, Vincent Lionheart, promise to eat a minimum of two hundred plates. No matter their portion size, I will eat them all. This victory will be dedicated to my family!”


[Promised Quest: Declaration of food devouring.]

[Complete the agreed promise to make yourself known and impress the people to who you are dedicating the victory.]

[Quest conditions to be met.]

*Empty plates on table 26/200 (Not Met)

*Vincent Lionheart announced as the winner 0/1 (Not Met)


*Reputation – Lusterfall Noble Academy +10

*Ester Soul Synch +1%

*Lupa Soul Synch +1%

*Iris Soul Synch +1%

*Lilith Soul Synch +1%

[Optional conditions to be met.]

*Kilo Blackheart announced as the winner 0/1 (Not Met)

[Optional Reward]

Reputation – Lusterfall Noble Academy -30


Vincent felt inspired to continue with the adequate Soul Synch reward. He sat back on his chair and asked the maids for the next plate.

“Ladies and gentlemen. I thought Vincent Lionheart was about to give up like the rest of you. However, the contest is intense. It is so intense that the dragon gods of victory and gluttony heard Vincent Lionheart’s promise and descend to our mortal plane to possess his body.”

“Ladies and gentlemen. Vincent Lionheart promised all of us an unthinkable feat. So let’s remember the promise and count the plates on his table until they reach. Two. Hund~RED~ PLATES!”

The presenter was making Vincent’s promise become a huge thing. The audience began looking at Vincent more attentively than before now, causing unwanted stress.

*Whistle!* *Clap!* The audience made an uproar of whistling, cheers, and shouting for their preferred winner. Furthermore, Vincent’s name was now being spoken by more people than before because of the presenter’s speech.

Five. Ten. Fifteen, Twenty, Twenty-five minutes passed. Vincent was fake eating at a swift pace while Kilo’s curse was reaching its end. He only had a few more minutes for the curse and buff to end.

Kilo sweated bullets when he turned his gaze and saw Vincent looking the same as half an hour ago. Vincent kept eating an endless looping pattern perfectly.

Vincent perfected the pattern of eating a plate almost as quickly as Kilo. Then he would make a fake burp. Afterward, he leisurely looked at the new plate placed before him.

If there were food with bones or vegetables not meant to be eaten, Vincent would swiftly separate the bone and throw it on a plate near him with dozens of bones on it. The same with the vegetables on another plate. Swallowing everything on the plate would make his cheating obvious.

Later, Vincent would proceed to fake eat the food, and the loop continued endlessly.

Vincent was like an optical illusion to many. He never looked exhausted from eating, nor did he appear bloated from all the devoured food.

The audience felt they were watching a hologram replaying the same actions. A few audience members even began to question if the presenter was right about the dragon gods possessing Vincent’s body.

‘Eat. Eat! Damn that Lionheart! He isn’t a human! Food. Food! He took no potions, but mine are unable to keep up with his. Eat. Eat! EAT!’ Was passing through Kilo’s chaotic mind.

A few minutes later, Kilo suddenly stopped eating. He was twenty plates ahead of Vincent, but Kilo had no way to continue the contest without any more spare potions at hand.

Kilo felt extremely bloated when his stomach began to shrink to its original size. The pain of his stomach exceeding its limits was almost enough to make him faint.

“Hey, what is happening? Kilo Blackheart stopped!”

“Is he full? I know Vincent Lionheart is on a steady eating pattern, but I feel he shouldn’t stop.”

“Wait! Is... is it possible for Kilo Blackheart to lose? I bet on him!”

“Me too!”

The audience who betted on Kilo started to panic. Vincent didn’t give the impression of stopping anytime soon. The promise he made squeezed their heart with the fear of losing their money.

However, no matter how much they shouted for Kilo to continue eating, he never tried to take another bite. Eating another bite was similar to suicide at this point. He would pop like a balloon with too much water inside of it.

[Vincent, one hundred twenty-three more plates to go. Don’t worry about the number, and store the food to your heart’s content.]

Vincent smirked and quickened the pace of acting as if eating.

“Two... One... Ladies and gentlemen. Vincent Lionheart has reached Kilo Blackheart’s empty plates! However, it looks like Kilo Blackheart is unable to take another bite. His complexity doesn’t look too great, but he can not receive medical attention until we have our winner.”

The presenter made Vincent and Kazumi quite pleased to delay the contest as much as possible and torture Kilo Blackheart.

“Ladies and gentlemen. One more plate, and Vincent Lionheart is the winner. But as everyone heard, the contest can’t end until we see two hundred empty plates on his side...”

“Ohh! It looks like I talked a lot like always. Ladies and gentlemen! Vincent Lionheart has emptied his hundred and seventh plate! The bones he piled on a plate barely have any meat on them, and the vegetables on the other plate are all hard to swallow.”

The presenter noticed Vincent grabbing another plate and eating it. It was obvious who the winner was now.

The presenter took a deep breath and announced, “The winner of the food-eating contest is Vincent Lionheart!”



“My money!”

However, a few of the audience who didn’t want to gather attention didn’t speak a word and revealed a delighted grin. The very few people who won because of Vincent looked favorably at their money maker. A few coincidentally called him the promise maker. A nickname Beatrix calls Vincent with.

It took Vincent another half an hour to place the two hundredth empty plate on the table.


[Promised Quest: Declaration of food devouring. Completed.]


*Reputation – Lusterfall Noble Academy +10 (Total 10 rep)

*Ester Soul Synch +1% (Total Soul Synch 59%)

*Lupa Soul Synch +1% (Total Soul Synch 62%)

*Iris Soul Synch +1% (Total Soul Synch 40%)

*Lilith Soul Synch +1% (Total Soul Synch 39%)



Kazumi was too focused to notice what was happening inside the Soul Domain. The two eggs containing Wolfie and Freerie slightly cracked.

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