Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 602


[Name] Enter Baby Name

[Race] Mutated Lizardman

[Age] 0

[Condition] Healthy

[Traits] Mutated Hardened Scales, Mutated Destined Fate

[Stats] Strength 0 || Agility 0 || Perception 0 || Mana 0



[Third Eye activate.]

[Mutated Destined Fate description]

[The user is destined to live a life of a predetermined destined fate, yet a mysterious force has given a chance to alter the predetermined destined fate by living a life playing with odds.]

[What is fated to happen can not be changed normally, yet the odds of fate can provide fortunate and unfortunate changes.]

The more unfortunate fate the user suffers, the more fortunate fate can happen and the other way around.


Vincent and Kazumi couldn’t believe the baby’s trait had improved by leaps and bounds.

Vincent and Kazumi considered it to break the rules of the world. To be able to alter one’s predetermined destined fate by good or bad fortune sounded like beneficial yet dangerous power.

Vincent shook his head to stop thinking about what the baby’s uncertain future was going to be like. He had already taken a glimpse by watching the baby strangely fall on the floor as if a mysterious force forced her to fall.

“The baby is fine. Her harder than normal scales have protected her from the fall.” Vincent announced. “It is unfortunate the mother couldn’t see her healthy baby.”

Vincent focused his intent on feeling the many fabrics under the lizardman’s corpse to find the clean ones. “I will cover her corpse. She was a living being before a slave.”

Vincent stored multiple clean fabrics and resummoned them to fall and cover the corpse. The act of respecting the deceased mother, even if she was a slave, made the women in the living room think better of Vincent.

“Vincent, let me patch you up.” Sofy offered after watching the fabrics reminded her Vincent had two untreated injuries. She grabbed some of the items brought for the emergency childbirth lying on the floor and went to treat his wounds.

Sakura was still feeling remorseful for what had happened. She decided to let Yula keep taking care of the baby and went to help Sofy treat Vincent’s bite wounds.

*Sniff, sniff* “Huh?” Mimi approached Yula and the baby. *Sniff, sniff*

“Is there something wrong, Mimi?” Asked Yula with a frown. Yula became worried the vampire Mimi would be interested in tasting the baby’s blood.

“I can smell Vincent’s blood scent coming from her. However, it is more potent than Iris’s blood smell.” Mimi looked at Vincent and continued, “It smells as if she is your child, yet the lizardman race can’t interbreed.”

“Daughter!?” Sakura immediately exclaimed while dropping the bandage from her hand.

“...” Vincent froze in shock after hearing about being a father.

Hearing a word Vincent never expected directed at him was like saying you won the lottery without trying. Vincent felt both happy and in denial.

Sofy stopped applying a healing balm and looked at the baby.

“I heard from lizardfolk slaves that the ritual of drinking by biting was to make sure they give their child enough foreign blood to grow stronger and better scales.” She explained.

“Ahh! So that’s why the lizardfolk has a third parent instead of having a godmother or godfather.” Mimi looked at Vincent and continued, “That means Vincent is considered the little one’s father.”

[You?... a father?...] Kazumi couldn’t believe what was being said at this moment.

Similarly, Vincent didn’t show an expression while hearing how he technically became a father by donating his mutated blood and successfully fusing the blood with the baby.

‘My blood changed when I became mutated. Does that mean the DNA of the baby changed as well? If we take a paternity test, does that mean I would be shown as the father while her actual parents as strangers?’ Vincent deeply pondered with a blank expression.

Vincent moved his gaze at Sakura. He saw her looking at him with a shocked expression.

‘I guess I am not the only one shocked after hearing I am a father.’ He thought while his though clouded mind started to clear.

“The father of the baby is still alive. If her father aggress, I can be the father of the baby and my wives her mothers.” Vincent stated.

“But... I dropped her... I am not fit to be a mother...” Sakura said while brooding at what happened.

Vincent shook his head while smiling at Sakura.

“The baby has a powerful trait. She can have bad or good luck depending on the type of luck she experiences. Being saved must have increased the bad luck ratio. Thus, falling without anyone of us managing to catch her.” Vincent explained in a reassuring voice.

“Furthermore, do not worry. Not only was it not your fault, but the baby’s scale was tempered by my mutated blood, similar to my gauntlets. That must be the reason she remained sleeping even while falling.” Vincent explained in great detail for Sakura and the others to understand what happened.

Sakura didn’t look conflicted with doubt anymore. She still felt terrible, but knowing it wasn’t her fault urged her to catch the baby if bad luck struck and the baby was fated to fall again.

“The mother of the child passed away. Vincent, do we prepare an adequate place to bury her, or do you want to wait for the father of the child to bury her at a later date?” Maid Xu asked.

“It would be fitting to wait. ” Vincent responded.

“Did the baby awaken like what happened to Lady Lilith?” Fliara asked.

“I think so. The baby’s scale looks similar to Iris, Lian, and Olive’s forehead horn. Maybe she has awakened from my blood.” Vincent responded while mixing the truth with the lies. He honestly didn’t know if his mutated blood could actually awaken the lizardman race, similar to how goblins awaken.

“Sister. Regarding if the baby is a unique lizardman or not, we should help when we can and protect her precious childhood from bad people.” Eliara suggested to her sister.

Fliara nodded and responded with a delighted smile, “I agree, sister. No bad people will touch her. Only we can touch and play with her.

Zefine and Grace also wanted to help. They thought the baby was cute, and her glossy green scales looked charming. They also wanted to play with the baby and hear her giggle.

“We will help too.” Zefine and Grace offered.

“I will also help to take care of the baby. You do not need to worry about the food. I will take care of it after raising three children.” Yula offered with a confident gaze.

“Vincent. Can we name her?” Sakura requested. Her expression wasn’t sad anymore. Instead, she looked overflowing with interest to name the baby.

[Well, you are her second father. I guess you can name her since you are the Shah Rak Tan of the lizardfolk race]

Vincent moved his gaze, and all eyes were on him. He scratched his head to think. Soon, a name was at the tip of his tongue. “How about Shana?” He asked.

All eyes went on Yula and the baby she held. “Shana is a nice name.” They said almost at the same time with a beaming smile.

‘This feels like a naming ceremony.’ Vincent thought. He looked at his arms and continued, ‘My arms are patched up, and thanks to Iris’s pain-relieving balm, I can barely feel the pain.’

Vincent stood up and looked at Shana. He brought up her status window to see her name. His eyes popped out, and Kazumi questioned what she was seeing.


[Name] Shana Lionheart

[Race] Mutated Lizardman

[Age] 0

[Condition] Healthy

[Traits] Mutated Hardened Scales, Mutated Destined Fate

[Stats] Strength 0 || Agility 0 || Perception 0 || Mana 0


“Vincent. Did I tighten the bandage too much? But I should have controlled my strength properly...” Sakura asked after noticing Vincent give the impression of becoming greatly surprised.

“... Shana is my daughter. The blood I gave her has changed her enough to receive my surname as if she was my real child.”

The living room became quiet for a moment. They previously heard how Vincent agreed to take care of Shana if her lizardman father agreed. However, to hear Vincent say Shana inherited his surname as if she was his actual daughter was more than they could digest in a short time.

“Well, didn’t I say her blood is very similar to Vincent’s? As if she is his daughter?” Mimi said, breaking the silence.

“So it is.” Vincent turned around and continued, “I am going outside for a breath of fresh air.”

Vincent left, and Sakura followed him a little later. Sakura saw Vincent sitting on a makeshift wood bench beside the wooden fence of the small animal farm.

Sakura approached, and she could see Vincent looking at the animals to take his mind off the situation. She sat beside him and asked, “I am here for you. Is there something troubling you?”

Vincent nodded. He explained all that happened in the Soul Domain Bridge. From being the Shah Rak Tan of the lizardman race to Shana failing the retainer test and her mother giving her the chance to retake the test with a passing grade.

Sakura understood why Vincent was still conflicted by Shana’s mother’s death. To see a person you could save die in front of your eyes a few seconds before saving them was an emotionally heavy blow.

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