Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 611

Both wondered what the loyalty value would be since the two men did not need help like in other cases. These sixteen people only wanted to have a safety net when it involved injuries or sickness.

Vincent stood up and moved to the side. He extended his hand and summoned a small boar’s pelt on the ground covered by a thin layer of snow.

“I am already sponsoring the families of fifteen soldiers in total. To add sixteen more families means the resources might not meet the demand since herbs are almost impossible to grow in this cold season.”

The two vice-captains knew Vincent’s words were reasonably correct. Both men also felt the fear of missing out on the opportunity to accept the offer.

However, their hearts anxiously raced at the thought of being requested unappealing conditions that they couldn’t mention or the sponsorship would be terminated.

“Those who serve me will need to make the vow of loyalty like how the other soldiers I sponsor did. After that, I will provide medical assistance based on their loyalty to my family and me. That means randomly doing patrols around this mansion to keep both us and the small number of herbs we grow inside safe.”

Vincent’s words made the two vice-captains and the three adventurers find the condition reasonable.

It would become the sponsored soldiers’ greatest failure to let a thief break in or hired thugs to attack the mansion. The herbs or the people growing them would be in danger if such an event happened.


This would be similar to protecting your employees safe because you would not get paid if the money were stolen.

Besides what could happen if they didn’t do as Vincent requested, the gesture of placing an animal’s pet on the snow made Vincent show how he cared for the two vice-captains and treated them like people.

Few nobles would do this gesture of kindness, and both the vice-captains and the adventurers knew it. The noble in front of their eyes treated others differently.

After researching what the Lionheart branch family was like, they decided to visit the Emerald Lionheart Mansion.

The vice-captains and the adventurers feared the commoner who married into nobility had gotten bigheaded after becoming a noble. However, now they could see it was not the case. They only hoped this wasn’t all an act to trick them.

“Hmm. Are the two of you still contemplating, or will you kneel in front of Vincent and offer your loyalty? Human lives can end at the.” *Snap* “of a finger after they get sick and keep saying it is nothing they can’t win against.” Mimi casually said while snapping her fingers once to insinuate how easy it was for a human to lose their life unexpectedly.

[Mimi is brutally honest with her words and gives the impression of being like Lupa, a person who has seen too many deaths to become numb to the deaths of strangers.]

[Well, regardless, it appears this was the push they needed. Look at them nervously, stand up, hehe.]

The two vice-captains respectfully went in front of Vincent. They looked down and saw the boar’s pelt. The small gesture to keep their knee warm made them become grateful before lowering to one knee.

“I will tell you before finding out yourselves and feeling betrayed. ” Vincent suddenly said while the two men kneeled in front of him.

“I will be participating in a judgment by combat soon, but don’t worry. Whatever happens, the Lionheart family branch will keep sponsoring you. ”

The two vice-captains and the three adventurers stared at Vincent as if they heard someone mention an unbelievable joke. However, no matter if they looked at Vincent or Mini, none of the two showed signs of this being a joke.

“I will do my best to survive and overcome the challenge in front of my family.” Vincent smiled and continued confidently, “Yet isn’t this the perfect opportunity to bet on me and your futures? As I said before, loyalty will always be rewarded one way or another. But it will be your choice in the end.”

“Vincent... Why did you tell them? Now the dividends I will wind from betting will decrease. And here I thought I was going to make a lot of money...” *Sigh* Mimi continued while acting unhappy.

Mimi’s confidence in Vincent’s victory showed two things. Mimi spoke as if the combat’s judgment was true and believed Vincent would undoubtedly win.

The five men didn’t know how to respond after learning about a piece of information currently not being circulated in the city or the entire kingdom.

[How they are acting is understandable, but today was a long day. How about we continue and call it a day?] Kazumi suggested.

Vincent placed his closed hand in front of his mouth and cleared his throat. “Ahem. If the two of you still want to believe in me for both the present and the future, then vow to be loyal to me and keep our secrets to ourselves.”

The two vice-captains looked at each other. One nodded once, and the other faintly smiled.

Both vice-captains still agreed to be sponsored by the Lionheart family despite how it could mean the Lionheart family has enemies willing to involve the almost forgotten judgment by combat.

“I, Targon, will now say my vow.”

“I, Ersof, will now say my vow.”

A minute later, the two vice-captains respectfully said the vow of loyalty. Their expressions showed signs of conflict, yet they decided to bet on Vincent and their new future.

Shortly, a notification window appeared in front of Vincent. Inside was information he and Kazumi weren’t too surprised about.


[Name] Targon

[Loyal Servant] Cautious

[Race] Human

[Age] 28

[Condition] Healthy, Sick (Minor Cold)

[Traits] Blood Tempered Body Stage One

[Class] Warrior

[Stats] Strength 37 || Agility 24 || Perception 32 || Mana 0


[Class Warrior]

*Wild Blow

*Strong Body +9


[Name] Ersof

[Loyal Servant] Cautious

[Race] Human

[Age] 31

[Condition] Healthy

[Traits] Blood Tempered Body Stage One

[Class] Warrior

[Stats] Strength 48 || Agility 28 || Perception 37 || Mana 5


[Class Warrior]

*Wild Blow

*Strong Body +12


Vincent and Kazumi could now actually tell how loyal the two vice-captains were. To know the value felt like cheating, yet it was an important skill to know if the person was friendly or leaning towards betraying at a moment’s notice.

Fortunately, similar to a few of the soldiers Vincent previously sponsored, the two men were also at the middle value between trust and doubt.

It meant showing how they are valued instead of being added to the collection of sponsored people would hopefully positively change how they view Vincent.

Vincent learned enough from sponsoring fifteen soldiers to know he shouldn’t let the opportunity slip from the tips of his fingers.

Vincent looked at Targon, the soldier who arrived to assist Lilith and the others, and said, “I can see you are suffering from a minor cold. I will instruct my herbalist to prepare medicine for the next time you visit.”

[Good idea. It should help with increasing their loyalty value after the other soldiers see their vice-captain being given medicine.]

Vincent looked at the two vice-captains and noticed their expressions were p[ositive about the medicine part. After deeming his offer to be a success, Vincent continued with the next part.

“This is how I reward those who offer their loyalty and prove to me by actions instead of simply saying they are loyal. I hope the two of you can prove your loyalty with actions.”

“We will prove our words by our actions.”

“We will prove our loyalty by following your requests.”

Vincent nodded. He liked the response and proceeded to the final part of the sponsorship event.

“I will also need to receive the loyalty of the ones who wish to be sponsored. I will personally inspect the condition of each and every soldier and give them medicine if we have them prepared.”

Targon was both astonished and confused. He didn’t know how Vincent could detect the cold he had caught two days ago, but Vincent was willing to use the mysterious method to find any sickness in the soldiers under him.

“I am deeply grateful, my lord. I will visit with my men soon. I will also bet on my lord as I will trust your words instead of any other person.” Targon said while respectfully lowering his head.

Vice-captain Ersof was surprised to hear a noble offer medicine for a simple cold. Even though he knew the Lionheart family was going to offer them medicine for their entire family for free, Ersof was still not mentally prepared to learn Vincent had mysteriously checked their condition and offered medicine.

“I will also find a day for all the soldiers under me to visit together. I am sure they will agree to offer their loyalty despite the secret my lord has shared with us.” Ersof said while also showing signs of being impressed by Vincent’s generosity.

Vincent looked at their status window again, and a faint grin appeared on his face.

Trust can change at any moment in time, yet the Loyalty Servant System could allow Vincent and Kazumi to know the value with ease.

In front of Vincent and Kazumi’s eyes were the status windows of the two vice-captains with different loyalty values. Fortunately, the words Vincent chose to say improved how they viewed Vincent and advanced from Cautious to Slightly Cautious.

“Haha. I am glad to have two more vice-captains sponsored by the Lionheart family. I can feel safer in your hands already.” Vincent boasted while praising the two men in front of him.


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