QT: Against My Will

Chapter 465 - 465 7.89 - A Real Snowman Appeared - War Of The Wickeds

Some info dumb on lightning ability users:

No actual element offers full protection against lightning. For example, water is an excellent conductor for electricity, but turning into water or using water as a shield wouldn’t be able to protect you at all. Earth sounds like a good shield, but a combination of bad miners could also give you a bad surprise.


“Let’s help the other group,” Bing Shi ran in Juliet’s direction, “Wuu-huu!”

The group of twenty rushed forward to hunt down Julliet, their wolf cry rang loudly in the air like a bunch of hooligans, “Wuu-huu!”

“...” Liam didn’t know if he would be able to bound the whole group and increase their morals as Silvia would, but he knew they wouldn’t have as much fun with him as with Silvia, “I wouldn’t be so slow if you were a real threat.”

“If you were a real threat, you would be dead by now,” Dai An has dealt with the worst criminals, and getting a teenage alpha under control was the least she could do, “Instead of finding excuses, try to team up with Juliet next time.”

That was right. Everyone was sure they wouldn’t stand a chance against Juliet’s and Liam’s fire and wind combo.


Liam couldn’t help but feel a little unsettled. He suspected that Silvia could give both him and Julliet a run for their money, but he kept his suspicions to himself.

“...” Juliet felt the tension in the air as she faced off against Liam. She knew there was only one way out of this, and that was to either fight against him on the same page or not fight at all.

Knowing her limits, Juliet turned to her wits. She came up with a plan. It wasn’t much of a plan, but it would allow her to win without wasting too much of her energy, which was the whole point of this trip.

The battle began, and suddenly, the air around the students thinned down. The windy air was replaced by a void without oxygen, causing the students to scatter — their lungs burned, and they struggled to breathe.

As the students fell to their knees, Liam was forced to back away to a safe zone.

Seeing her opponent fall, Juliet breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that she had won, but then she realized something, ‘What the...?’

The students kept coming at her in continuous waves like a hoard of never-ending zombies! They would take a deep breath and wait for the right moment to attack.

It was as if the hopping around Silvia a while ago was for coordinated attacks like these! Because 40 students weren’t needed to hop around Silvia, they had to take turns to preserve energy.

Once again, Juliet found herself on the defensive, and soon, she was surrounded. She needed to find a way out of this mess, and fast! Silvia! She had to capture Silvia!

Bing Shi hid behind a parked car, speaking through the communicator, ‘If you can hold out for ten more minutes, this battle will come to an end.”

After some time, the air returned to normal, and the students were able to resume their fighting.

Juliet finally decided to throw in the towel. She took out a bag of clothes, and with a great heave, threw it at Bertha who had been silently doting the group with supplies. “You win,” she said, her shoulders sagging, not from exhaustion but from frustration, “It would be so easy if I could just kill you all.”

“It would be so easy if a lightning bolt struck down at you!” copying their boss, the group could feel the fire in their hearts, hear their heavy footsteps and their shouts of victory, “Wu-huu!” They had done it again. They were breaking the hierarchy, challenging authority, and defying tradition.

‘May day, may day. Hubby is here.’


Dai An looked around as Bing Shi switched their place.

Feeling the strong presence in the air, many stopped in their tracks. They shot up their heads, looked in the direction of the source, and saw the outline of Nathaniel Hauxley, “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit...” a few whispers flew around.

Nathaniel held an umbrella above his head, his eyes locking on the numerous paparazzi and then journalists, finally stopping on Silvia, “I’ve received reports about some of our students causing disruption in the city. Disperse.”

Would the group disperse on Nathaniel’s command or stay strong by Silvia’s side?

Nathaniel was standing there, calmly in the midst of the storm, and many were finding it difficult not to be mesmerized. He seemed so cold, yet so captivating. His breath was visible in the cold air, and as he continued onward, they were transfixed by his icy demeanor.

‘Is that Lu Kai? I don’t recognize him at all,’ Bing Shi covered her eyes, feeling the chill radiating from him, ‘It’s like he is a kind of walking winter wonderland.’ She was almost sure she could see snowflakes forming around him.

Dai An shook her head and rubbed her left hand, making the tingling sensation on her flesh disappear, muttering, “We might have been a little bit too loud.”

Bertha nodded her head vigorously.

@SilviaLeClere: Everyone, disperse into a 10 m distance from each other and be silent as possible. Understand?

Everybody nodded once, doing what they were told – they followed Silvia at a distance.

@Bertha: Are we going back to the academy?

Bing Shi made a pool.

A: Drive back to the academy.

B: Walk back to the academy.

C: Run back to the academy with me.

D: Fly back to the academy.

E: Do something else.


Everyone made a quick choice, and soon, the results were out. When they saw how Silvia stepped inside the car, they realized that they got trolled again!

Bing Shi rolled down the window and grinned at the people that chose C, “You guys are still full of energy.”

Sitting next to Bing Shi, Julliet dried her hair with a towel, “You too?”

Bertha smiled awkwardly, running next to Liam, “It was a spontaneous decision. My bad.”

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