QT: Against My Will

Chapter 479 - 479 7.103 - The Fire Storm After The Calm - War Of The Wickeds

Damon never knew such a profound and affectionate feeling was possible. Whenever his eyes landed on the other, he would be struck by an extremely strong urge to pull the other person into his arms and shelter him from all danger.

Riley acted very naturally, his deft fingers would ever-so-casually brush against Damon’s body, with the full intention of eating as much tofu as he could, causing the other man to become even stiffer. “Well, I guess we should head back,” he said.

Damon was silent for a moment, before shaking her head. “No, no, we need to stay longer. We’ve got time.”

They both look at each other, smiling as they kissed in a romantic way when suddenly, they felt killing intent from behind.

Silvia had appeared behind them, and the mythical gun she was holding was stolen from the group of traffickers, “Just die already!” she yelled, pressing the trigger together with a burst of healing magic.

“Not happening, sister~,” Riley replied, creating a shield to absorb her magic. He pulled out his own gun and jumped in front of Damon. Before he could shoot Silvia in the forehead, he grabbed his chest and widened his eyes at the unexpected attacker who appeared before him.

Ziek twisted the enchanted knife in his hand deeper into Riley’s flesh before he jumped to the back.

Blood dripped down Riley’s shirt until finally, he slumped forward. He couldn’t die yet! Acting on instinct, he grabbed Damon and quickly swapped their positions, positioning himself in front of Damon to shield him from the second attack.


Ziek used the momentum of his leap to throw a fragmental grenade right where Damon was. The grenade exploded, sending a wave of heat and shrapnel toward the enemy.

Riley looked like he’d just come out of a steam bath as he took the blast. He fell forward, stunned.

Silvia stared wide-eyed at the person before her, her gun which should be pointing against her temples was pointing at them instead, “Ezikiel…?”

Before any more damage could happen, Damon stepped in. With a powerful fist, he punched Ezikiel away from Riley, sending him flying across the garden. The shockwave of his dark magic hit Silvia, slamming them against the tree trunk with a thud. “Riley!” he screamed Riley’s name as the boy fell on top of him, his face filled with tears, “Hang on!”

Riley had been monitoring Silvia and saw her coming. She must have thought the abduction was his doing. He knew she was more capable than the usual two-faced bitch he usually faced. He just didn’t expect her female halo to be so great that she would entice Ezikiel into killing him.

Everything happened too fast, Silvia struggled to keep her balance, leaning against the tree trunk, ‘Just die already!’ she screamed at the thing inside of her head. She tried pushing the gun against her temples more harshly and pulling the trigger, but her body refused to listen. When the wound on her body continued to heal, she looked up viciously. She pulled the trigger at the pair before her instead, in the hope they would kill her, “Why can’t you just die?!”

Damon waved his hand, reflecting the attack, making Silvia’s bullet hit her instead, “Riley…don’t make any harsh movements.”

Riley outstretched his arm in Silvia’s direction, using the last bit of his energy to put a hole in her chest, stopping her regeneration.

Silvia’s body trembled as she dropped her gun, repeating the same word as she coughed a mouthful of blood, “...just die…Why can’t you just die?” She fell to the side with her eyes closed.

Riley smiled internally. The system gave him a mission to prevent Damon’s death route, and he was glad he prevented Damon from being killed, “I hope we will meet in the next lifetime. Live on, my love.”

Damon held Riley’s lifeless body close to his chest. Tears streaming from his eyes, he sobbed uncontrollably, unable to comprehend the reality of his loss.

He had spent the previous years devoted to Riley, living life with an unbridled passion that only true love could bring. But it was gone, in an instant. Damon had been holding Riley as he took his last breath. No amount of effort or emotion could bring him back.

Damon cried at the top of his lungs, his heart was being crushed as he held the person in his arms, “NO! NO! NOOO!” His mind raced with memories of the precious moments they had shared together. The smiles, the laughter, the joy. It all came crashing down around him as he realized he would never experience it again.

Silvia opened her eyes, woken up by a roar not far away, ‘Why am I still alive?’ She looked up, seeing a giant creature with two black wings emerging from above Damon. Was that a black phoenix?

The beast landed right next to Damon, looking at him with its two glowing red eyes, ‘Master, you called me?’ The beast suddenly looked at the person that killed Riley. It roared again. It opened its mouth, revealing sharp teeth, “You will never get away with this!”

Silvia jumped forward and extended her arms to shield the person behind her, not sure if she wanted to save Ezikiel or free herself.

“Move aside. You are in the way,” Ziek pushed her to the side as he faced the creature. He snapped his fingers, making the ground beneath the beast’s feet explode into pieces with explosives. The whole park was suddenly lit on fire.

The beast leapt forward, opening its mouth wide to devour Ezikiel.

The grass crackled and popped as the flames spread quickly across the landscaped lawns, consuming everything in its path. Trees were engulfed and the smoke was thick, making it hard to breathe.

Silvia was confused, but she moved away. She had to get to Damon immediately before she lost control over her legs too, it seemed to be the only part of her body that she could control.

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