Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 302

“Come on Frost let’s head back to the manor.” Sam looked back at Frost who was carrying a few of his recently purchased items, while the rest were placed in his storage rings.

“Sounds good, what about Tulip, Jasmine, and Ren?”

“Druakai should have brought them back to the manor by now and if not well.... either Chia or Lola would drag their little butts back.” Sam didn’t seem worried about his children who were left with Druakai. Frost however wasn’t as optimistic, nothing against Druakai of course more.....

“You sure you won’t catch some flak; they were left in your care after all?”

“.....No, I don’t think so.....I mean they’re fine so.....”Sam showed a confused expression that grew more confused the more he thought. “...Shit!” Suddenly it dawned on him that he technically off loaded the kids on someone else while he galivanted off and had fun with Frost. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue, Druakai was his childhood friend and Tulip, Jasmine, and Ren’s uncle, more than capable of taking care of them for a few hours, something he’d done many times over the years. The issue however was his wife’s mood after being locked within the manor as her mother and father filled her with knowledge about her new position. Knowing his wife, it would not be a pleasant one. If she learned that he dumped her little angels with someone else and went shopping with Frost while she suffered alone and then had the gall to make her or her mother play the bad guy in dragging their little butts back well Yarrow wouldn’t be the only one beaten today.

Frost watched with interest as Sam’s confusion rapidly turned into regret and then fear, all with vivid changes in facial colour.

“....”Sam remained silent for a few seconds as he thought before eventually sighing with a shrug “Oh well if I get in trouble I get in trouble, no crying over spilt milk.” He decided not to worry about what was already done, besides Lola was really cute when she was mad.

The two men then made their way back to the mayor’s manor on the second floor with their shopping. Sam made a quick last minute purchase however for his wife to soothe any residual anger, a wise decision developed from experience.


In the mayoral manor’s main reception room Lola was sitting on the sofa with Tulip, Jasmine and Ren by her sides telling her all about their fun times at their uncle Druakai’s.

“Mommy I got to pet a baby razor seal it was so fluffy!” Ren stood up with rosy cheeks as he tried to animate the cuteness of the seal.

“Tulip and I were allowed to groom the frost foals and feed them carrots; one even licked my hands.” Jasmine was no less amped than her little brother, childishly speaking louder to divert her mother’s attention her way. Tulip being the older was more reserved, but her eyes were sparkling as Jasmine spoke of the frost foals. What little girl didn’t have some form of fascination with horses at some point.

Lola sipped her tea as she listened to their stories with a bright smile, yet bags could be seen around her eyes. She was healing at the moment, being surrounded by her excited babies as they talked of their day helped soothe the pain of being lectured and shown an endless amount of documents. This was bliss.

Unfortunately, this bliss was ruined by her damn husband. The moment Sam and Frost walked in the three kids clambered down from her side and rushed to his to regale their adventurers to him. Lola gave him a jealous look as they surrounded and badgered Sam in a bid for attention and the fact that he ditched them with Druakai floated to the forefront of her mind, making her anger grow.

“Did you have fun on your little tour?” She asked innocently but her eyes showed fire, Sam was smart enough to not foolishly answer her question without any forethought. Frost however didn’t really care, and he still needed to get back at Sam for his earlier pranks and nearly crushing his shoulder.

“Yes we did, after visiting Druakai and leaving the kids in his care, Sam took me to meet the beautiful Daki since she had a surprise waiting for him.” Time seemed to slow as Sam imperceptibly turned to look at Frost in horror, in complete disbelief that he would dob him in and so painfully at that.

‘Are you insane? Did you have to say it like that?’ Even if his wife was the most trusting and easy going wife in the world she’d still be pissed off after hearing that.

“Hoh is that right?” Lola’s voice turned chilly, and her eyes looked as though they wished to rip Sam to pieces.

‘I’m a dead man.’ Sam felt his heart lurch in fear and even his boisterous children that surrounded him backed away as though he was contagious.

Don Don!

Sam immediately broke into a full kowtow in front of his wife, presenting the box of chocolates he bought earlier as a peace offering, knowing that it would merely be a drop in the water that was her fury, but perhaps it would allow him to keep his life.

Lola kept her cold stare trained on her husband’s trembling figure, she stretched out her foot and placed it on his head before taking one of the chocolates from the box as though this routine was a regular thing. Slowly and almost seductively she placed the chocolate in her mouth and let it slowly melt before swallowing, a few seconds later she nodded, and her cold visage warmed slightly, yet her foot remained on Sam’s head. She then turned to Frost showing an approving smile.

“So, what actually happened Frost?” She knew from the start that Frost was just pouring oil on the fire and god knows she knew her husband likely deserved it, but the fact remains that Sam took him to see Daki and that she had a surprise for him that she didn’t know about.

Frost smiled back knowingly before telling her the whole story in detail while Sam remained prostrated on the floor until Lola determined his fate.

Once Frost regaled the whole story however it was clear that nothing untoward happened and in fact it was a very moving story. Lola’s anger vanished like a puff of smoke, her worries were really unfounded given the strength of love between her and Sam, but Daki was one of if not the most attractive woman in Kranor, winning the miss Kranor contest by a landslide 3 years in a row- it would have been more if there wasn’t a limit on how many times one could enter. She could never be 100% certain even though she was really fond of Daki and had been friends with her for years.

“I understand, thank you for telling me Frost.” She removed her foot from Sam’s head, giving him permission to stand before giving him a dominating deep kiss on the lips as though marking her territory, this garnered a few “ewwws” from the kids but she didn’t care, and Sam certainly wasn’t one to avoid being kissed by his lovely wife. He even had a thought that he should visit Daki more often if it would end up making Lola jealous, of course that thought was quickly quashed because he as stated before was not an idiot.

After marking her territory, she turned to Frost “So Frost what did you think of Kranor’s Daki?” She was quite keen to hear the opinion of her handsome student that was more than a match for the famed orc’s devasting charm.

Frost cupped his chin as he thought back to his meeting with the orc succubus, a smile appearing on his lips. “Honestly I found her quite appealing.” He spoke the truth, not only did he find her very attractive, her skill in smithing appealed to him as a ruler of a territory.

“Another victim of her charms I see.” Lola assumed that Frost was another hopeless guy caught in her web, but she didn’t dissuade him from such thoughts even if she knew the final outcome. “However, if you do decide to pursue my friend you best not hurt her otherwise you’ll have me to deal with.” Lola finished with a threat, though Daki was Sam’s ex she was also his childhood friend and by extension a good friend of hers. She knew of her difficult love life and had seen many people treat her like some sort of challenge, she would not condone such behaviour from her student, nor would she allow her dear friend to be treated as such.

Frost felt Lola’s strong care for Daki and couldn’t help but feel moved by their friendship. “I promise Lola that I would never aim to hurt her, you have my word.” He placed his hand over his chest as he gave a solemn vow to ease Lola’s worries. His interest in her was minor at the moment, considering he still had Maya back home who occupied a large part of his heart. But if the day ever came, he would never hurt someone he had a romantic interest in, especially not for something she had no control over, he was a better man than that.

“Good that’s what I like to hear.” Lola nodded her head, happy with Frost’s vow. “Well then let’s see what sort of things the two of you bought then shall we.”

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