Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 90

“So, you’re the one in charge of that new Iron Territory, right?”

With an ugly frown, Rathe glanced at the large Three-eyed Jaguar across from him and just kept eating.

“I’ll take that as a yes. It must have been so hard for you to travel so far,” continued the jaguar. “By the look of your men, something must have happened on your journey. What happened?”

While an injured Fontu sat together with two other gorillas at Rathe’s sides, Rathe stopped eating and stared at the jaguar. “I thought that having three eyes was supposed to help you see better. But if you’re struggling to see the bandages and the slings my men are wearing, then I guess I’m wrong.”

Squinting the Jaguar showed his cold smile. “So you really are as unruly as they said.”

“I’m just eating and conversing. None of you have seen me unruly yet.”


“What if I want to see it?” asked the Jaguar.

“Well, I’ll just have to break the little kitty’s heart. I’m here on business, just like all of you, so I’m not hear to test my strength. I’ll save that for later,” Rathe laughed as he stuffed his face.

The jaguar shared a hideous glare and gave a low growl. “For a new territory ruler, you’re attitude is too high and mighty. Someone ought to knock you down a peg or two.”

“I only came to deliver the territorial offering, but I was never told that there was a region-wide conference for the territorial rulers. And since I’m a territorial ruler, I’ve been waiting these past few suns to participate in the conference I wasn’t invited to yet I’m qualified to join.”

“You weren’t invited because you’re too new of a territory! Maybe after a few decades, you would’ve been personally invited!”

Another voice came from the other side of the table.

A few seats down from the jaguar, a gigantic elephant with four tusks continued to speak, “Your Iron Territory is too weak for us to consider a major territory, so of course, we wouldn’t invite you.”

“The only reason you got that place for yourself was because no one wanted to care for a land that wasn’t worth protecting. We’re your seniors and have been dedicated to the region for a long time now. So, for matters concerning the welfare of the region, we don’t need all of the opinions of you lesser territories.”

“But I’m still qualified enough to join,” replied Rathe, keeping a calm tone despite his glaring eyes.

“And since I’m already here, at least I can watch you seniors at work. Since you’ve all been alive for so long, my youthful self could use a reminder to keep pushing myself. I wouldn’t want to be stuck at this plane for so long, like you seniors.”


“Aahhh! It’s not my sister’s cooking but it’s pretty good,” bellowed Rathe as he finished his meal, leaving only a mountain of bones and fruit rinds. “It’s about time I’m off to bed. Can’t miss my beauty sleep or I’ll end up as wrinkly as you seniors.”

The gorillas quickly left the hall and were showed to their rooms.

Fontu was glad that Rathe was able to stand tall before the other territory rulers. He was also glad that Rathe left the banquet hall before he could no longer keep himself from fighting someone like he did the first night they arrived.

In the banquet hall, a few noble figures were still chatting, including the elephant and the jaguar.

“I didn’t know the Three-eyed Jaguar clan was interested in the Iron Territory.”

“We’re not, I’ve just heard plenty of rumors about a mid-perennial ape that shows no respect to his seniors,” stated the jaguar. “I just want to see if he has the strength to back himself up.”

“Well, my Hulking Elephant clan is interested in the Iron Territory,” laughed the elephant. “We share a border with them and we considered taking the territory for ourselves. In the end, we decided not to, but now, things are different.”

“Oh? And why’s that?” asked the Jaguar.

“Because those apes have already started building a city as their capital. They’ve even got their own academy and are starting to develop trade with other territories.”

“Really? So quickly?”

The elephant nodded. “It’s hard to believe, but I’m sure of it. We’ve been developing Tusk City for almost a decade now with the help of humans for hire, but they’ve already passed us in terms of development, some human traders personally visited the gorillas’ Iron Town to confirm it.”

“Seriously?! How is that possible?”

“I have no clue, but apparently the Iron-body Gorilla clan has already gained a total of five perennials and have banded all the strongest tribes and clans together in Iron Town,” continued the elephant. “In Iron Town, there should be a total of nine perennials.”

“Nine perennials? Together in such a little territory?”

“That’s not all,” explained the elephant. “The strongest in the territory isn’t that gorilla you just met. It’s a Blood-spotted Leopard that specializes in assassination.”

Suddenly, the jaguar had a hint of fear flash across his face. “Is that so? In that case, the Iron Territory will be a major territory before the next regional conference...”

“That’s why my clan wants to act before that comes to pass.”

“And why are you telling me all of this?”

With a smile, the elephant continued. “Did you know that they’ve also started their own academy? They’ve already managed to host a tournament and invited the neighboring territories to watch. They’re even accepting transfers from other territories in the next few months.”

“So, you’re clan wants to take over the academy, right? And if my clan were to help, what would there be in return?”

“My elephant clan is quite wealthy. And if we’re able to take the Iron Territory, we can easily relocate and save some development costs. If your clan can help, that extra money can be yours.”

“Alright, I’m listening,” chuckled the jaguar.


Rathe was in his room, throwing cushion after cushion into the walls of the small palace where they were staying. He was throwing them so hard, a small crack had appeared where he was constantly aiming.

“Rathe, please, calm down,” Fontu begged as he tried to grab hold of Rathe’s arm.

In anger, the gorilla chief yelled, “I need to take my anger out on something, and though it’s best to use an opponent, all I have right now are these pillows!”

“But Rathe, you need to be calm and rested for tomorrow,” argued Fontu. “King Portro will be there tomorrow, and you’ll be able to learn what he wants from us. If you play your cards right, won’t we become a major territory soon? Don’t blow it by letting your anger control you!”

Stopping mid-wing with the pillow, Rathe shouted to release his pent up aggression.

“Rathe, none of this is your fault.”

“Then whose fault is it? I’m the one in charge, yet one of my men, a peak-elder, died under my care. And, to top it all off, because I was unable to fully protect you all from the coincidental attacks of lions and other beasts, we’re the laughing stock of all the territories attending the conference,” stated Rathe.

“Tell me, Fontu, what can I do to fix this?”

Fontu sighed, struggling to respond. “Rathe, you’re the chief. All you have to do is keep getting stronger and not incite the anger of the other territories. Once we’re also a major territory, things will get much easier.”

“But until then, things will be very difficult. As our chief, you must be the strongest both physically and mentally.”

“Aaahhh! I wish Oli was already a perennial, he’d handle this way better!” Rathe ripped the pillow in half, unable to fully contain himself. “I’ll do my best... But you and I both know that running into so many perennials along the way can’t be a coincidence. Those visits had to be planned.”

“I agree, but what can we do about it?” asked Fontu.

“I don’t know... I’ve never had any issues with Frost-mane Lions, so I don’t know why so many were waiting to ambush us. I don’t even think there are any in this region...”

“Either way, it’s too late now and we’ll have to stay focused on the task at hand. Once we’re back in the Iron Territory, we won’t have to leave until the next territorial gathering in ten years. By then, we’ll have some more perennials and will qualify as a major territory,” stated Fontu, slowly talking some sense into Rathe.

“I know... I’m just pissed is all...” grunted Rathe. Suddenly, Rathe started laughing, “In ten years, Oli should almost be ready to challenge the mortal championship like his old man. With him showing so much promise, they’ll definitely let us become a major territory.”

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