Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 125

“I don’t want to say no to two men able to kill me, but I’m not willing to be taken advantage of either...”

“Then I’ll ask again after our chat. And you’re free to call me Hurman while we’re talking privately.”

“Thank you, Hurman.”

Jonon spoke next, “If you’re hiding a second essence type or have thought about it, there are some reasons to do so and some not to. For people without some reputable background, having dual essences can be a frightening thing. They would be plucked up by the first person able to find them.”

“But those with a background are able to get around it? How is that, and how powerful of a background would a cultivator need?”

“The reasons we’re able to freely display our affinities freely are our ties with Trighton Institute.”


“An Institute?”

Hurman continued with a question, “Oliver... What region are you from?”

“Uhhh... I’ll be honest, I’m not sure... I was raised a nomad and we traveled all over the place before I ever learned what a territory or region was,” Oli answered honestly with a convenient hint of deception.

“Hmm, well I assume you’re not originally from the Shade Region, which makes you an abnormality without a background. However, what if our deal included offering you a background?”

Caught off guard, Oliver glanced at both men but saw both of their serious faces, one straight and one grinning. “I’m sorry, but gaining a background can’t be that easy. Accepting so quickly could–”

“It would leave you vulnerable to manipulation and leave you trapped in a family dynamic you have no true part of,” Hurman shared Oliver’s reasoning, calling out Oliver’s doubts. “Yet you get along well with the boys and you’re skills are superb, far stronger than the average standard for your age. You would be a shoo-in to enter the institute.”

“What do you mean?”

“When I offer our background, I don’t mean as an adopted member of the family. I’m willing to add our slot in an upcoming tournament for the chance to enter Trighton Institute,” stated Hurman. “That’s where I graduated and first made a name for myself. It was there that the family reputation was birthed and eventually grew before it started to dwindle.”

“Oh... And you want me to enter the academy under your recommendation to increase your influence?”

Laughing, Jonon answered, “You’re sharper than you look.”

“Which comes in handy for moments like this.” Oliver asked, “Doesn’t that leave me as being a tool for you to exploit?”

“To an extent, but not completely,” answered Jonon. “Both Lyle and I graduated from the institute but not with the highest of honors like Pops. But say you enter the academy and whoo the instructors. So long as you graduate with honors, you could possibly start your own family line and create your own reputation if you put in the time. Or you could accept a position within the academy or territory and be outside of our control.”

“So, you say it’s a way for both your family and myself to gain influence without directly controlling each other?”

“This is also doing you a favor, because if we recommend you and you fail the exam then we’ll receive all of the backlashes while you can flee the city with a forgettable reputation,” added Hurman.

“Ahh, trying to belittle your benefits. A common tactic when discussing trades,” joked Oliver. “Too bad I know little to nothing about the institute or this territory. Why should I bother staying at all when I can just go anywhere?”

“Well, if you indeed have a second essence type then having our recommendation will protect you from unwanted scouting. You’ll still receive offers from others but they won’t forcibly pluck you off the street. Having our recommendation would help both of us.”

“It still seems too easy of a deal to accept, at least to me,” stated Oliver, shaking his head.

“Then let me speak honestly and bluntly,” Jonon sighed, glancing at his father for unspoken permission. “Neither Johan nor Leon are ready to enter that exam. If your essence control wasn’t as good as it is, then we wouldn’t dare offer this. In a way, should you fail to enter, then the little reputation we’ve retained would be lost. And should you disagree with our offer, then there’s a chance we won’t be able to save Lyle.”

“I thought he was just in a coma...”

“He is... sort of...” Looking for permission again, Jonon sighed and continued, “Lyle is in a coma-like state but he also has slow healing internal injuries to his internal organs. His essence network malfunctions and he could die if we don’t constantly keep providing powerful medicinal bathes while he’s unconscious.”

“And there’s no other way to help him?” asked Oliver.

Hurman shook his head. “No. We were told he would awake within the month, but that was at least a year ago...”

“Sounds questionable to me,” Oliver replied. “But I assume you’ve seen multiple doctors if you’re desperate enough to hire a nobody like me.”

“You know, the more we talk the more desperate you’re making me feel,” Jonon joking brandished a serious face. “Keep that up and I may want to fight you with both swords.”

“No, you’re right Oliver...” Hurman sighed. “It’s something no doctor was able to explain, nor could they offer any other practical solutions beyond the medicinal baths and patience.”

“So you’re dwindling wealth has been wasted on medicinal herbs and doctors, while your swords schools have been losing more and more students. All while the family young masters aren’t quite ready to take up the mantle and enter the academy you mentioned.”

“The institute,” Hurman corrected.

“Either way, you’re in a downward spiral and you want me to agree to all of this in hopes that you won’t take advantage of me because I’m weaker?” questioned Oliver. “How am I supposed to trust you? Can’t you send Jonon to go fetch the herb?”

“Sending Jonon would result in closing our advanced and intermediate classes for the interim, something that could lead to the ultimate failure of all sword classes should the students we’ve retained thus find new instruction in the meantime,” Hurman reasoned. “The Taltin Mountains generally traversable for adepts, so you should be fine considering all the time you’ve already spent there, I assume. But if you can’t handle that, then there’s no reason to offer you anything besides your temporary stay at the property.”

“Hmm... giving me a soft ultimatum... another good debate tactic,” Oliver chuckled, taking a moment to think.

Jonon added, “That recommendation isn’t something you can buy. It’s only something earned.”

“But can’t you–”

“Oliver, the reason our reputation has been kept for so long is our integrity. We’ve yet to sell out and abandon our reputation for short term greed, though the thought seems tempting while it could pay for Lyle’s herbs.”

“... You care more for your brother than you let on,” deduced Oliver. “Have you ever told–”

“That’s not the topic right now. Right now, we want to know your answer. Should you turn it down, consider the next couple of days a free pass in the property, but you’ll be asked to seek shelter elsewhere afterward. And should you share any information about us, we may mention your potential and possible dual essence to others in return,” declared Jonon.

“A hard bargain. So it’s either a lose-lose or a win-win for both sides, huh?” Oliver joked, still wanting a moment to think to himself.

Hurman added, “This may seem rushed, but we only pressure your quick decision because you’ll need to leave tomorrow in order to retrieve the herb in time for Lyle’s next bath.”

Staring back at the two men, Oliver looked for any kinks in their confidence and visible conscience. He found no faults in their countenance and confidence in abundance.

With that sinking in, Oliver asked, “So, what benefits would come from entering this institute?”

Showing a toothy grin, Jonon answered, “There you’ll gain access to new techniques and arts so long as you earn them. Gain enough of a reputation and you may get noticed by the higher-ups, that’s where the real benefits kick in.”

“But wouldn’t I then be playing into their hands instead of yours?”

“In a way, but that would depend on which higher-up you choose as a possible mentor.”

“Oh... so if I can prove to have the best potential, is it possible to work with the territory leader himself?”

Both Hurman and Jonon suddenly broke out in laughter. Oliver was offended by the gesture but he wasn’t too happy about the reaction either.

“Seriously?! You’ve got a bigger ego than you let on!” Jonon continued to laugh as Hurman started coughing and retrieved a hot kettle of tea from his void ring. “Oliver, that’s never happened before...”

“But say it did, would it technically be possible?”

“Technically... In theory, it could but don’t count on it. I thought you were an early-adept, but being an initial-adept will only make it harder.”

“But would that technically make me more attractive as a prospect? Since I’m able to do more than most initial-adepts?” Oliver reasoned.

“But what about the other adepts your age at higher realms? Johan is almost a mid-adept and Leon recently became a low-adept. In a way, you got lucky to be born with such a powerful physique that allows you to surpass them. Then again, you’re essence control still surpasses them without a doubt, so at least that’s in your favor, but not compared to other well-known adepts.

“Unless... you’re hiding a second essence and you’re just as capable with that one as your earth essence...” Jonon mentioned, curious how Oliver would reply. “In that case, you may get the attention of someone high up in the institute for your dual essence and essence control alone.”

“So, Oliver, we’ve talked plenty but you have made a decision. What do you say?” Hurman asked again, being both stern yet soft as to not overwhelm Oliver with the decision.

“... What sort of classes does the institute offer?”

“Great question.” Glad to see Oliver showing interest, Hurman explained, “There are three basic paths through the institute, being a warrior, a mystic, and a formation specialist. I personally know the current head of the warrior course and can put in a good word for you, as he is a former student of mine.”

While both Hurman and Jonon were waiting for Oliver to ask about the warrior course, Oliver thought to himself for a few seconds. After recollecting some of Vloz’s and Ania’s old suggestions, Oliver looked to Hurman and asked, “Which would be best if I want to make my own cultivation technique?”


Jonon shouted in surprise but Hurman only blinked, even more curious to understand what Oliver was truly after. “And you ask me why?”

“Because the strongest people in history have either created their own techniques or altered their old techniques into an original form, right? Wouldn’t I need to do the same if that’s what I’m after?” Oliver reasoned, noticing the slight smile form on Hurman’s face.

“And you know I’ve done the same in the past?”

“It was mentioned and hinted in passing by Leon. If you hadn’t done that, then how would you have stood out from your ancestors?”

Chuckling softly, Hurman shook his head. “Know that such a route is unconventional and likely will lead to the waste of your potential.”

“Thank’s for the warning.”

“... Since you’re determined, I’ll answer your question but likely not to the extent you’ll wish,” replied Hurman. “I took focused on formations while also taking mystic classes. While the classes were less straight-forward and more time-consuming, they offered a glimpse at how to best control and manipulate my own essence. That led to me experimenting with my technique and altering my nature forcibly so that my earth and water essences were balanced, like yin and yang. That’s how I made it happen.

“Now, I don’t recommend this path at all. I was lucky to make it work, as one of the few in the institute’s history to do so. Nearly all others had diminished their potential and were never able to regain their lost reputation since focusing on the nigh impossible is considered lunacy. They see no reason to focus on that and waste the resources of the academy on someone so likely to fail.”

“But it’s possible?” Oliver asked, undeterred.

“... Yes. It’s theoretically possible.”

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