Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 150

“I-I...” Shadur stammered, not daring to look up and meet the merchant’s gaze.

“I’m sure I’m under-evaluating the worth of your guild,” Oli complimented loudly, surprising everyone, “but that doesn’t change the fact that we were hired by someone else. And personally, I’d rather prove my integrity than fill my coin purse. Any merchant unwilling to keep his word isn’t worth doing business with, in my opinion.”

“We’re not breaking any promises, are we?” joked the second merchant.

“Maybe not, but you’re preventing us from finishing our job in peace. If you’re so desperate for lilies, then how about we deliver our goods and come back for your harvest? Sound fair?”

“We don’t have time for that.” The merchant shook his head cockily. “I’m afraid we’re in a hurry, so purchasing those that you’ve already harvested would be best for the both of us.”

“Then perhaps we can sell you half for a fair price,” commented Shadur, looking back and nodding at Oli. “I’m willing to sell half and split my earnings with my employer, as that was what we had agreed upon in the first place.”


“I think that’s more than fair,” added Oli, getting a nervous nod from Leon and Johan.

But the second merchant shook his head again, this time clicking his tongue to show his irritation. “No, we’ll take them all. Given double the market value, there’s no reason that you should be turning down our offer. I thought the Practor Family was in dire need of finances, and that you need an employer or contractor to open a practice? This works out best for the both of you?”

“Oh yeah? Then what about me? You can’t just sweet talk half of us and expect us all to agree,” laughed Oli, smiling curiously at the annoyed merchant.

“Then tell me, what is it you’re after? You should have something in mind given that you accepted this job in the first place.”

Shrugging, Oli stated, “I’m just a nomad that seeing money as a living expense and nothing more. Sorry but I’m only interested in cultivation and nothing more.”

“Nothing more, huh? Then how about we award you with a new battle art or even a cultivation technique? If you know how to negotiate, it will surely be one of the best elder-grade techniques in the territory.”

“Only elder-grade?” Oli burst into laughter and looked to the others in the party. “They may not know me well, but they know I’m far too greedy to take a lowly elder-grade technique. Come on, let’s get going guys.”

“Who said we’re done negotiating?” chuckled the second merchant, maneuvering his horse to block Oli’s path. “I don’t believe I caught your name...”

“Funny, I thought you were nameless the whole time, given how you prefer to hide your face. What’s wrong? Too much inbreeding?”

“That... I’d recommend you not offend us further.” The second merchant took a deep breath and played off the comment. “You can still accept the offer and walk away with us forgetting that comment. Seeing your stature and confidence, we may even hire you for a hefty sum. Then you’d eventually be able to purchase a perennial-grade technique for yourself. How’s that sound? Fair, right?”

But Oli didn’t stop walking. To the merchant’s surprise, Oli kept walking forward until his shoulder collided with the stallion’s rear. Though Oli was pushed aside by the beast’s heft and strength, the stallion was also forced back from the stern nudge of Oli’s shoulder.

The horse whined and regathered its feet as Oli and the others walked past the horse, the others with their heads down.

“Shadur, I’m sure you don’t want to say no to this,” commented the merchant. “Speak up and my master will guarantee that the oaf won’t harm you for choosing wisely.”

Stopping his footsteps, Oli turned and glared heavily at the merchant. “I’ll tell you this. I’ve been hired to escort them and deliver the lilies promptly. Any who dare steal or rob my employer of the goods that are rightfully theirs will be treated as common, petty thieves. Is that the impression I’m supposed to have from the audacious Libarn Guild?”

“We’re simply striking a deal. As we stated, we’ll handle your employer and make sure they receive a payment as well. There’s no need to–”

“Then hurry back and speak with Hurman before we arrive,” stated Oli with unblinking eyes. “Take the proper routes of business or I’ll assume you’re a thief no better than a beggar. What a wonderful guild you represent, I’ll make sure to burn your supposed faces into my mind. Oh wait, you’re too afraid to show them... Any merchant that hides behind a mask only to do shady business and protect their identity isn’t worth talking to. We’re leaving. Take another move toward us and I’ll handle you accordingly.”

Oli swiftly turned around and chuckled. “Oh, and have a nice day!”


The irritated merchant was about to hop off his mount when he smiled wide and stopped. At the same time, Oli jolted around and pushed the other party members ahead.

That silent, well-off merchant in front had bolted toward the party without a word. He drew a sword with intricate golden etchings along the blade and lashed out at Oli with disgust-filled eyes. No time or effort was wasted as his blade slashed toward’s Oli’s throat with incredible precision.

Suddenly, a hammer made of essence appeared in Oli’s hands, parrying the incoming attack. Earth essence poured out of Oli and formed his bestial, gorilla armor. This caught the wealthy swordsman off guard, extending Oli’s reach in a split-second to land a heavy punch on the man’s chest.

The man was sent flying backward but Oli’s face showed dissatisfaction. “You jumped back... Not bad.”

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