Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 548 - 548 End of Permafrost Province Qualifier

Those that knew Oli expected the result. Had Oli been pitted against Kako or Hiztor, then everyone would’ve expected an even greater fight.

Kelna suddenly released Oli’s hand and dropped to a knee, bowing her head toward the balcony in the middle of the reserved section.

Oli did the same while Leenel sprinted back to his seat.

“Finalists, enter the ring,” Jeerda commanded with a soft smile.

Yeter and Kako both hurried to join Oli. They bowed and silently waited for the next order.

Jeerda took a moment to look over each of them with a caring gaze. It seemed to be more ceremonial than it was purposeful. “Congratulations. You three shall represent Permafrost Province during the Toxic-shadow Prefecture Qualifier. There, you three will make up your own team and will work together to accomplish all that you can during the prefecture qualifier. Seeing you three together… It creates a very interesting lineup and dynamic. I hope you’ll still manage to overcome the challenges waiting for you at the prefecture qualifier despite the lack of variety among your essence types.”

Kelna whispered to the three candidates. To which, all three of them lifted their heads and shouted, “Yes, your highness! We’ll represent you well and bring you honor!”

Nodding, Jeerda accepted the ceremonial reply, “Thank you. Now, I must congratulate the kings who have presented you to me. King Sardin, step forward.”


A man leaped out of the reserved section and slowly landed beside Kako, kneeling the exact same way. “Yes, your highness.”

“You’re candidate, Kako is a phenomenal talent. It’s rare to see a beast taking the time to master human weapons and implement them so flawlessly. Well done.”

“Thank you, your highness!” Kako and King Sardin replied in unison.

“Now… King Zelsh, come forward.”

Zelsh didn’t fly over. He jumped out of the reserved section and walked over to his candidates, kneeling in front of Oli and Yeter. “Yes, your highness.”

“King Zelsh… you’ve now accomplished something that will go down in history,” stated Jeerda, stunning the crowd. “In the history of the Permafrost Prefecture and in the Toxic-shadow Prefecture, there has never been an instance where a region has managed to present six qualifying candidates. Yet you’ve pulled off that feat today.”

Murmurs filled the crowd while everyone was talking and trying to figure out what Jeerda meant exactly.

“... Allow me to explain for those in the crowd whose daily life allows them to be more ignorant towards the news of the prefecture.”

That sentence from Jeerda had two purposes. The obvious purpose was to include the crowd which would rarely know about the general state of the prefecture. The less obvious purpose was to pester the kings or territory leaders that hadn’t been paying as much attention as they should.

Jeerda continued, “Of course, King Zelsh has provided three regional candidates as every region should. Now, he’s provided me with two provincial candidates as well. But we can’t forget about Zelsh’s candidate guaranteed entry into the second round of the Mortal Championship Finals. After proving his skill and slaying a quadrant candidate, Zelsh’s pupil known as Vant brought great glory to all of Toxic-shadow by securing a place in the ultimate round of the Mortal Championship. Thus, King Zelsh has provided three high-quality candidates, making history throughout the prefecture.”

Roarin applause rang out! Cheers and shouts echoed through everyone’s ears. Yet Zelsh hadn’t adjusted his posture whatsoever. He just kept his head down and bowed.

In the back of Zelsh’s mind, he sighed in thought, *I wish… It’s even more terrifying than that. Iron Territory has given me a candidate with a god-grade bloodline, a perfect candidate for the prefecture, an underdog stallion for the province, and turned my second-best candidate into a phenomenal assassin capable of killing quadrant candidates. All from a territory…*

Thinking to himself, Zelsh was able to stay level-headed and humble while the crowd chanted his name.

“King Zelsh, rise. Not only have you provided such amazing talent, but your abilities aren’t to be trifled with either,” Jeerda stated, startling the crowd into near silence. “At this moment, if you and I were to fight, I genuinely don’t know if I would be able to defeat you despite your mid-king cultivation.”

“Please, High-king Jeerda, there’s no need for such praise,” Zelsh chimed in, barely lifting his head. “You reign over our province for a reason. I’m only lucky to have such a marvelous crop of talent appear all at once. If my luck holds true, I might not have any outstanding candidates next time.”

Jeerda lightly chuckled and moved on, “Kelna, please present their badges.”

Coming from the side, Kelna walked up to each candidate and handed them a medallion bearing the Permafrost Province emblem. Kelna then resumed kneeling and bowing her head while waiting for the ceremony to move along.

“With those badges,” Jeerda stated, “you’ll represent me and my province during the prefecture qualifier. You’ll travel to Nightscape city with your regional kings but I’ll pick you up the night before the prefecture qualifier begins. Are there any questions?”

“No, your highness,” the three candidates stated.

“Very well. Then, again, congratulations on your victories. I’m eager to see how you represent me in front of Prefecture Lord Treeda.”

Waving her hand, Jeerda dismissed herself and exited the balcony.

The moment Jeerda was out of sight, the audience went ballistic! They started chatting and discussing all their favorite moments of this decade’s qualifier.

King Sardin stood up and approached Zelsh. “Congrats. I don’t think anyone expected you to pull off having six candidates.”

“Thanks, but what actually matters is how many of my candidates make it to the quadrant,” Zelsh retorted with a laugh. “You should know. It was your record that I just broke.”

Laughing, King Sardin playfully punched Zelsh’s arm. “Either way, congrats. Now my candidates have even more reason to train and grow, or else we’ll never beat the new record.”

“Yeah, good luck with that. Getting seven candidates is impossible with an unannounced exhibition from the quadrant,” added Zelsh. “I just got lucky this year. But since you’re so keen on celebrating with me, how about paying for my night on the town? Or we can go visit the city with the best cuisine available.”

“I would love for you to gloat and show off your city again, but I would rather pay for a night in Avalanche City,” jested King Sardin.

But Zelsh shook his head. “I wasn’t talking about Rot City. Ingall, have you never been to Iron Territory?”

“Of course I haven’t! Lord Treeda never lets me send candidates anywhere because I’m only a low-king and can’t represent her as well as she would like. You know that!” harped Ingall Sardin.

Knowingly touching the king’s sore spot, Zelsh rubbed it in further, “Oh? Really? Then let’s spend the night there! With their food and relaxed ambiance, it’ll be a true night to remember. You’re welcome to bring your candidates too, both those hear and those going to the prefecture qualifier. If you do that, then I’ll do the same.”

A glimmer of realization flashed through Ingall’s eyes. He smiled. “You… want to spar?”

“Since you asked, why not? If you want, I can invite the Rhyner candidates too. Don’t you want to meet the prefecture’s perfect candidate?” teased Zelsh, knowing Ingall couldn’t say no.

“Very well. I’ll bring all of my candidates. Both active and failed candidates?”

“Let’s go with both. Both your active regional team and your entire province qualifier team. There will be more than enough food to go around,” Zelsh joked.

Ingall nodded. “Very well. How do we get there?”

“Gather your candidates and meet me in my palace. Then we’ll take my circle to Iron Town,” stated Zelsh. “But hurry. I’m already sending word for the food to get started.”

“Will do. Kako, let’s hurry.” Turning to Oli and Yeter, with a lingering glance at Oli, Ingall Sardin bowed his head. “Congratulations and qualifying. I look forward to tonight and potentially sparring.”

“Me too. Congrats!” Kako gave them a respectful smile and bowed. From the baboon’s look alone, it was obvious that he was hoping for a chance to fight them during the party.

As soon as Oli and Yeter bowed in return, King Sardin and Kako left in a hurry along with the Sardin Team.

Zelsh was already standing by Rhyner, who nodded and smiled as if he had expected the question. Then, Zelsh gathered his team and left the colosseum while only waving off anyone trying to congratulate him solely to get in Zelsh’s good graces. Led by Zelsh, the Rot team was rushed to Permafrost Palace, using the teleportation circle to arrive back at Rot City.

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