Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 566 - 566 Let Me Tell You Something

That statement baffled Vloz, but Oli telepathically continued regardless, ‘They aren’t governed by instincts in any way. And anyone that argues that a ‘conscience’ functions like moral instincts, they’ve obviously grown up pampered and secluded from at least ninety percent of human society. It sounds cliche, but why is it that beasts gather and group together with their clans and family while humans notoriously kill their brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers if it would allow them to come into power?’

Oli forcibly derailed his bullet train of thought, recognizing that he failed to control his impulsive thoughts.

In that moment of pause, Vloz was left astounded. It also forced Vloz to remember his childhood in captivity. Despite having a caring owner, it had been the owner’s brach family that had sold out the main family in a scramble for power. And it had ended with Vloz fleeing the city while even the branch family got wiped out so the assailants didn’t need to divide their winnings between too many hands.

“Oli, you don’t need to give me an answer right now, if you don’t wish to. I’ll wait however long I must. After all, now I’m not in a race against time trying to claim my life.”

Herman’s chuckling comment brought Oli and Vloz back to reality, whether they wanted it or not.

Oli was left sighing and searching for a way to express his thoughts with caution. Though Oli knew Herman decently well, the logic behind Oli’s momentary decision was either widely accepted or genuinely despised among humanity.

“... Herman, I have a question for you,” Oli said. “After working with Iron Town and living here for a couple years, what’s your opinion of beasts? Do you feel their trustworthy and reliable, compared to humanity in general?”

“Most definitely!” Herman answered before Oli could keep expounding on the question. “It was human treachery that was about to snuff out my family under the jurisdiction of human laws and regulations. And it was your bestial coalition of clans that offered us an incomparably better place to live and thrive.”


A seed of relief filled Oli’s heart when he heard that. “Right. So, it seems you feel similarly to me. That humans, though there are some exceptions to this speculation, generally look out for themselves, even if that means turning the rest of humanity against them.”

“Oh! You’re concerned that one day I’ll turn on you and stab you in the back while acting as a confidant only to sell you out!” Herman bluntly stated, breaking out in laughter.

Vloz bellowed with laughter as well.

Meanwhile, Oli chuckled nervously and nodded, “I’m glad you at least understand my concern…”

“If you didn’t consider that possibility, you would be a fool!” Herman shouted through his laughter. “And if that were the case, you and Iron Territory would’ve already fallen.

“As for trying to wipe away that concern from your mind, I’m not sure if that’s possible. It depends on how badly humanity has wronged you in the past. From my perspective, my distrust of humanity alone is enough to keep my family in Iron Town perpetually,” said Herman, lessening his laughing fit to resume their serious discussion. “It was enough for us to make a pact with the Iron-body Clan and it’s enough for me to trust you beasts with my life.

“But if that’s your only concern, Oli, please look over the prepared contract before giving me your answer.”

Using a void ring, Herman took out a small table, a furled scroll without a seal, and an ink well with a glass quill. “These are the items Master Eeole prepared for the occasion. Please use them how you see fit.”

Oli grew quiet and took the scroll. He unfurled it and started reading, letting some stress flee his mind after Herman had agreed with Oli’s suspicions.

It only took a moment for Oli to blink and re-read a section of the contract. Then he re-read it again. “... Herman, did you ask for this?”

“Of course I did. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

The certainty of Herman’s immediate response echoed and reverberated through Oli’s mind. It was baffling to him. Absolute madness.

“Herman, you asked for this contract to bind your soul to mine? For your life to be forfeit the moment I die, and for me to be able to kill you faster than you can blink?” Oli questioned.

“If you so choose, yes. Because I trust you and your cause,” Herman replied. “Just like how you can understand and trust Vloz despite him not being your blood, I can say the same thing about you, Oli.

“You’re more methodical than anyone else your age, and more so than most perennials I know. I don’t know what your long-term goals are, but I understand what you’re willing to do to make those goals a reality.

“I’m the same way,” Herman stated. “I will never sacrifice my family, but I would willingly slaughter hundreds if it meant my children and grandchildren didn’t need to fight a war. I would uproot and slaughter any organization that dares to sink its claws or influence into my home. And I’ll do anything I can to get stronger for the sake of my family and loved ones, so long as I don’t need to sacrifice my family and loved ones in order to gain that strength.”

Taken aback, Oli was speechless. “That… Wow. That does sound like you…”

“And it sounds like you, Oli. Doesn’t it?” reasoned Herman.

All Oli could do was sigh and nod. With Vloz smiling wide at Herman’s statement, the leopard had all but verbally confirmed it anyway. So Oli said, “Herman… The terms of this contract do help ease my concerns for the future. But what happens if a divide rises between your family and mine? What would you do?”

“That’s why I’m doing this. To cement the fate of my family to yours. If your family falls, then we’ll fall. But if your family prospers, then we’ll prosper. It’s a gamble that I’ll bet my life on,” Herman boldly stated.

“But how–”

“I’ll inform my family of my bound fate the moment I sign the contract,” Herman added. “I’ll tell them that I signed the contract with Rathe, as the representative of your Iron-body Clan. And they’ll be told that should the family interests or a family member’s interests attempt to sway our loyalty to the Iron-body Gorillas and Iron Territory, then I’ll uproot and remove the individuals responsible without a second thought and without mercy.”

The chilling tone Herman used was astonishing to Oli. He asked, “But I thought you wouldn’t sacrifice your family–”

“I won’t be sacrificing my family. I’ll be removing the weeds trying to suffocate and kill my family tree.”

Herman’s direct response left Oli with no further questions on the matter. And it left Oli with a decision that seemed easy but was instinctively difficult, no matter how Oli tried to convince himself.

“... If you’re going to trust me this much, then let me do the same with you. Before I sign this contract, which you’ve preemptively signed and sealed with a drop of your blood, I’m going to tell you something. And if I don’t like your reaction, I’ll tear this up and we’ll never talk about this matter again,” stated Oli. “Understood?”

“I understand. I’ll hear whatever you wish to tell me.”

Hearing that, Oli decided to take out a bottle of wine and a cup for himself. He chugged his first glass before he started sipping the second. “Alright… One more.”

Oli downed the second cup in one go. Then he readied a third but stopped himself from drinking it just yet. “Now, I’m ready… I’m going to tell you about my life. Something not even my mom or Vloz or anyone knows just yet. At least, not to this extent.”

Catching the inferred meaning of that statement, Vloz retrieved three large cushions for himself, Herman, and Oli. “If you’re about to say something along the lines of what I’m imagining, then we’ll need these. And thank you for trusting me with this knowledge, as well.”

“Thanks, Uncle Vloz. And you’re welcome.”

Oli spent a few moments getting cozy on the cushion, making sure his wings were left in a comfortable position.

“... Herman, I’m what you can call a reincarnation, or someone that was born again while retaining my past memories.” Though Herman was visibly astounded to hear that, Oli moved along without skipping a beat, “Also, my past life wasn’t from this world. I come from a world dominated and controlled by humans. There was no such thing as cultivation or magic on that world. All we had was science. The scientific knowledge of that world was leaps and bounds ahead of this one, but that’s mostly due to the lack of supernatural abilities.

“But that’s why I’m biased against humans, why I might always be biased against humans. Because my past life was filled with nothing but prolonged suffering. Any fleeting pleasures I could escape to would inevitably be undermined by stress and anxiety. And it was the people that society deemed I should ‘love’ and ‘support’ that were the root cause of it all.”

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