Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 598 - 598 Regardless, Prodson Will Fall!

Then, Tranton turned his back to the crowd. To the audience’s shock, he walked over toward the seats, all of which were taken. Until one man got up and swapped places with the territory leader. Giving the man a full bow, Tranton claimed the open seat. Meanwhile, that man took center stage with the full attention of the city already atop his shoulders.

“It hasn’t been long since I departed from this city, my former home…” Hurman said, speaking slowly to give the stunned audience a moment to recover. “My name is Hurman Practor! Not even three years ago, I left this city and territory to become a patrician clan in Iron Town under Iron’s banner.

“I had just barely ascended and become a perennial when my family’s migration transpired… And that very ascension would not have happened without Iron Territory taking a bet on me and my family.”

Seeing the people staring back at him with mostly calm expressions, Hurman continued, “They invested in my family before I was a perennial. That’s how I pushed for ascension and qualified to become a patrician clan under them.

“Now… I know our former territory leader, Rhyner Trighton very well. As many of you know, it was Rhyner that chose me to represent the territory sixty years ago during the Mortal Championship. It was Leader Rhyner and Dean Jarrit that gave me the freedom to cultivate how I wished, allowing me to try and perfect my custom cultivation technique instead of forcing me to accept a better one right away.

“After moving to Iron Territory, I’ve come to know Rhyner and Jarrit even more. Rhyner reigns over Rhyner Region, which governs Iron Territory directly. And Rhyner regularly visits and works alongside Iron Territory. After all, I’m already destined to be Rhyner’s son-in-law.”

The shock spreading through the crowd anew created a slew of different emotions. Most people were confused by the statement. But some older citizens of the city, namely the patriarchs and other low or early-perennials of the city, cheered and shouted at the news.

Suddenly, tempest rushed overhead and a figure descended onto the platform, landing beside Hurman. It was a beautiful woman that everyone in the city instantly recognized.


“This is my fiancee, Lizbeth Whizek!”

Standing in the crowd, the aging Whizek Patriarch felt a waterfall of regret washing over his heart. Seeing his eldest niece wrapped up in all of this, especially after his daughter had begged the old Whizek Patriarch to support Iron sooner, Garold Whizek was a mess of emotions and swelling regret.

Lizbeth spotted her cousin in the crowd but didn’t spare him anything more than a glance. In her mind, she thought, *You did this to yourself, Uncle. You married Freele into the Forell Family but didn’t have the power to demand that even one of her children keep the Whizek name, unlike Grandpa and my mom…

*And it was your choice to not listen to Freele when she offer the Whizek Family early in with Iron. Now, you’ll have to claw into Iron’s good graces along with every other noble across all the neighboring territories… Unlike Hurman, who gambled from the get-go.*

Liz didn’t need to speak or say anything. She just stood by Hurman’s side with a ring on her finger.

Ever since Lizbeth shared classes with Hurman at Trighton Institute, she had been infatuated with the swordsman. But Liz had met Hurman too late. He already had a steady girlfriend, whom he had promised to propose to after winning the Mortal Championship…

And when Hurman’s wife passed a few years later, Liz only consoled Hurman as a long-time friend and former teammate from the Mortal Championship.

After more time passed and Liz felt more comfortable with seeking a relationship, she was forbidden by her father to do so. All because Hurman had been stuck at the peak-elder realm. And until Hurman became a perennial, Rhyner wouldn’t allow Liz to actively pursue a romantic relationship with Hurman, unless Hurman dared to approach Rhyner asking for Lizbeth’s hand.

That led to decades of being left on the sideline in Hurman’s life as the Practor Family struggled. And while they struggled, everyone close to Hurman understood that he wouldn’t seek out Leader Rhyner, and Lizbeth by default, for the sake of pride.

Decades passed… Hair turned grey… Wrinkles formed… But Lizbeth never found or interacted with anyone else that caught her eye more than the aging Hurman.

When Hurman finally ascended, it was both Liz’s dream and nightmare come true. Because while she was then allowed to pursue Hurman romantically, Hurman was also leaving the territory along with his entire family.

Yet, it was that family migration that eventually brought Liz to where she stood today, proud and elated to be wearing the ring on her finger. A ring that Hurman had selected and presented to Liz of his own volition. They had started seeing each other the moment Rhyner Trighton claimed the region, with King Rhyner enthusiastically pushing Liz to court Hurman this time around.

And though Hurman’s decision to get a ring was prompted by a proposition from Iron Territory, the couple had been together for over two years by now. The two of them had thrown around the idea of getting engaged before Iron stepped in and made Hurman another offer Hurman couldn’t refuse.

So, standing beside her fiance, Liz smiled and took his hand in hers. Because today was the happiest day she had experienced to date.

Hurman held Liz’s hand gingering and caringly. He gave her a quick smile and kiss on the forehead, whispering, “Thank you…”

The cheers of the oldest citizens got louder while the citizens under forty were thrown for a loop. From their perspective, they mostly knew Hurman as “Old Practor” with washed-up, wasted potential. While the entire populace saw Liz as one of the most beautiful flowers to bloom from the city. It was strange to see the aged man with white hair kissing a beauty that appeared to be in her early thirties.

Ignoring the audience, Liz smiled back at Hurman with a small nod.

Then, Hurman turned his attention back to the people. “I, Hurman Practor, have become a mid-perennial under the training and support of Iron Territory. And I will soon become a high-perennial. For the support that Iron has continuously given me, I agreed to become a direct, life-long subordinate of Iron! It’s for that reason that I’m here in front of you today!

“... Regardless of what you, the people of Forell, decide to do, Prodson will fall! As per Iron’s agreement with Leader Tranton, I will be leading the northern invasion of Prodson, marching on Prodson City directly while most of Iron’s forces attack Prodsons most southern city and work their way north.

“And, once Prodson falls, Prodson City will fall as well… In its place, Practor City will rise under Iron’s banner, governed by the Practor Family. But it will not become the Practor Territory. It will simply become a part of Iron, more than doubling the land within Iron’s borders and tripling Iron’s population.

“Iron’s goal is not to wipe people out, beast or human alike. Iron’s goal is to annihilate its enemies, which Prodson has dared to become by infiltrating Forell Territory and by attempting to infiltrate Iron Territory on multiple occasions! If you found a robber breaking in through your window, not once, not twice, but three times, would you allow that thief to go unpunished?”

All the people present felt their hearts wavering. Hearing about Iron’s close ties to Rhyner Trighton and about Hurman, a man the entire city had known for decades, slated as the ruler of the city nearest to Forell… Kinks and holes were beginning to appear in their fear of the unknown. Gradually, being under beast-rule was starting to look pleasant, not just acceptable…

“People of Forell, troops from Iron will arrive today, beginning their march to our base camp beyond the Taltin Mountains!

“But,” Hurman continued before the crowd could be startled at having further support from Iron Territory, “on behalf of Iron Territory and the Iron-body Clan, I ask the people of Forell for their support, however possible! If you’re able to supply a few rations of food, then we’ll gladly accept it. If you’re able to supply your own strength or the strength of many troops, then we’ll happily accept your addition to our forces!

“All donations to the war effort, along with the names of each donor, will be recorded. And every donation made will be repaid by Iron in due time, in a way suitable for the needs of the donors at the time of repayment!”

“The Whizek Family offers complete support! Both militarily and logistically!”

Before Hurman could even mention how the nobles on the platform had already pledged their full support, Hurman and the crowd were startled by Garold Whizek’s sharp cry.

Nodding, Hurman shouted back to keep control, “Iron accepts the pledge of the Whizek Family, along with the pledges already made by the Forell, Libarn, and Mottz Families! All patriarchs who wish to pledge to our cause, please meet with me immediately afterward. I’ll be staying at the Forell Mansion until I leave for the base camp with the rest of Iron’s troops!”

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