The Kidnapped Bride

Chapter 525

“Alright.” Ellen didn’t deny it and guided Jennifer to step out. Before leaving, she took one more glance at Lucas since she knew that his condition will turn worse once she steps out of this room. Javier was waiting for this and she won’t deny that it’s what he deserved for his actions, either in the present or in the past.

Her eyes swept through Javier’s expressions as well before she finally came out of the room. Ellen tagged along with her and said, “It was fine. Now that if anything happens to Lucas, there will not be much trouble as he already told us what we wanted to know.”

Jennifer raised her eyes, “Do you think Javier will let him live?” She dared not anticipate anything after witnessing Javier’s resentment towards the Smith man. There was an almost negligible possibility under her eyes but Ellen shrugged his shoulders, “Your appearance caused him to be displeased a bit. Yet he didn’t throw you out of the room was a sign that it is fine...”

“Javier will give Lucas some torture but will not kill him, not yet,” Ellen concluded and Jennifer passed a soft smile

But the smile was purely fake in her eyes. She was feeling too exhausted to even consider Lucas’s situation. Subconsciously, she brought her hand near her stomach to feel her head feeling dizzy and her body’s weight getting heavier with each passing second. The sweat traced through her cheeks to her chin which brought uneasiness inside Jennifer’s heart.

The same didn’t escape from Ellen’s eyes as he turned worried, “Are you fine? I think I should bring you to your room and you must rest.”


“Y-Yes..” Jenifer didn’t throw any tantrums and walked with him in the room.

But at the same time, Jennifer was constantly feeling something bloating in her stomach. Her pain increased over time and the sharpness of pain started to hit her brain. “Ellen..” she called his name in her slow voice but Ellen’s sharp ears caught it. “Jennifer...are you feeling unwell? Do you have a fever?”

‘No..’ Jennifer thought but she had no strength to blurt them out. She reached up to her bed and till that time, her body color turned pale under the proper light. Her heart was hammering against her chest which gave her the sensation that it would explode soon.

“Ellen....” Jenifer sat on the bed before saying, “W-We need to go to the hospital..right now.”

“Hospital? But why? I can call any doctor here. He will ch-”

“I MEAN HOSPITAL MEANS HOSPITAL!” Jennifer’s sudden yell took Ellen aback. He came across the urgency that flashed across Jennifer’s eyes and it didn’t let him hold any string either

Ellen instantly rushed to the room where Javier was currently torturing Lucas. Ellen swapped open the door to look at the half-unconscious Lucas on the floor and Javier, who was breathing high because of his anger.

On realization that there was someone at the door, Javier lifted his red-burned eyes that held no warmth in them, “Why are you here?”

“J-Jennifer...she is saying that we need to go to a hospital, right now.” Hearing this, Javier turned silent as the frown appeared on his forehead which didn’t slip down, “What happened?” Unfortunately, Ellen had no answers.

Despite Javier’s anger, he didn’t put much thought and rushed Jennifer to the hospital. There was no way he was going to take the risk with her health, especially when she herself asked to be reported to one.

Currently, Javier and Ellen were sitting outside the emergency room where Jennifer was rushed. Her condition worsened until they reached the hospital. Her entire face was resembling marble with her lips losing their color.

Javier’s worry got doubled as he sat there with an unconscious mind. Dozens of thoughts ran through his brain, about how irresponsible he acted in the last few days. Since the day he had brought her, he had thought of showing her some attitude so that she could realize her own mistake of joining hands with Austin. However, when she blurted out about the miscarriage, it caught him off guard.

He had no rationale to stand firm and face her. On top of that, her unnecessary explanation made him furious at the fact that she had mere reasons to refute the mistake. But right now, everything played like a reel inside his mind.

The self-guilt captured his heart and surrounded his world. Javier was thinking and he found himself to be a totally unreasonable old man. When she needed him the most to show his care, he displayed his coldness. He wanted her to be sorry....but not to neglect her in such a harsh way...

Meanwhile, Ellen’s eyes were totally viewing Javier, who was trapped in his own dream world. He imagined him putting all the blame on his head which led Ellen to walk to Javier and squeeze his shoulders, “She will be fine..”

“I shouldn’t have shown such reckless behavior towards her..” he muttered under his breath but Ellen just patted his head, “It’s fine. At least you are aware now.”

But then, the lights were closed and the gates were open. The lady doctor came out of the emergency room to find Javier rushing toward her, “ everything fine with her?”

“Everything is fine. You are....?” the doctor asked with uncertainty to which Javier replied confidently, “Her husband.”

“Oh, so you are her husband.” The doctor’s lips pursed into a straight line before she explained, “I know that couples nowadays are very busy in their lives and hardly give time to each other. But you guys are still young. Both of you should keep a check on your health before handling it.”

“W-what do you mean?” Javier didn’t quite understand the meaning behind her words and this made doctor nod her head, “She is in this condition because of a lack of nutrients. She needs to be healthy to give birth to two children.”

Hearing this, Javier’s brows curved in a tight knot as he couldn’t keep up with the thoughts that passed through his brain,”T-two children?”

“What kind of husband are you? Don’t you know that your wife is pregnant with twins? She needs nourishment to enhance her body so that pregnancy can be smooth.”

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