Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 60

Unfortunately, the driver of the taxi drove so slow Marcel began to get fidgety on his seat. Macy was not answering his call nor could he get through to Victor. Well, he wasn’t too surprised with Victor’s unavailability – he must be buried deep in a right now.

“Can you drive any faster?!” Marcel grumbled, annoyed at the fact he was wasting the little time he had left.

“This is the fastest I can go without violating the speed limit,” the driver shot back. What kind of customer has he stumbled upon this time? He was beginning to get vexed.

Marcel sat back in his seat yet he was not comfortable. He didn’t have much time, so he had to take another drastic step. He would deal with the repercussions later.

“Stop the car!” Marcel ordered him and thankfully the driver obeyed. Perhaps, the driver wanted him out in the first place.

Marcel get out and the driver got out as well, ready to receive his fees with his hand outstretched.

But to his utmost shock, Marcel in the guise of slipping some cash into his hand, tossed him to the side as if he weighed nothing and entered the taxi.

The driver didn’t even realize what was going on, his vision was swirling and it wasn’t until the sound of tires screeching against the concrete floor and the exhaust fume polluting the air that caused him to cough, did he realize the passenger had just taken off with his car.


He got up to his feet and started to shout, “Hey, come back here! Bring back my car!”

Sadly, Marcel was already far gone and all that lay in his wake was the dust that made the driver cough once more.

Marcel raced back home like a mad man. Even the patrol car that tried to pull him over gave up after they couldn’t keep up with his speed. So they concluded the drunk mad man would get himself killed and they would come to collect his corpse – and that of his victims later.

But Marcel experienced no such thing as an accident on the way, he was skilled far more than the average racer. As the leader of the Luciano clan, he had gone through vigorous training and experiences a normal human would be traumatized from.

As soon as Marcel arrived at the entrance, he didn’t even wait for his identity to be confirmed since he had come in with an unknown vehicle. He got out of the car and commanded sternly, “Open the gate!”

Without a second thought, the men let him in and Marcel walked in without the car. His men would take care of that one.

There was only one place Arianna could be kept and that was the basement. He ran in that direction, while hoping to God he wasn’t too late.


Arianna couldn’t breathe, her nose and eyes hurt like hell. She was going to die! Never in her life did she imagine she would die this way.

But she won’t die for anything. There was Elijah, although she wasn’t sure her long his feelings for her would last, Arianna was glad he would remember her for a while. Unlike her uncle’s family who would be delighted she was dead, one person would mourn her sincerely and that alone was enough.

Elijah would surely avenge her death even though she wouldn’t be there to see the smile slapped off Macy’s face. But death was not all that bad, she would see her father soon. It would be her and daddy together in paradise.

So Arianna gave up.

A cruel smile appeared on Macy’s face when Arianna stopped struggling. The bitch was dead. The annoying bug would not fill Marcel’s mind anymore. Once Marcel saw this, he would realize that she’s right – Arianna is nothing but a poison, trying to corrupt his mind.

[Author rolls eyes, as if Marcel’s not corrupted already]

Even when Arianna didn’t show signs of life anymore, Macy didn’t stop and asked the men to continue drowning her. There should be no chance for resurrection.

But that was the moment that Marcel arrived and she was struck dumb.

This was the first time Macy had ever seen Marcel with this expression and it sent shivers down her spine. She unconsciously took a step back because she was frightened right now.

Marcel didn’t look like a sexy god of war, instead, he looked like a pissed-off demon from the pit of hell on a rampage to claim as many souls as he could and doesn’t care who he snatches.

Call it instinct but Macy moved out of the way with a squeal at the last minute just as two bullet shots rent the quiet air.

Marcel shot two of his men without blinking an eye and would have done the same to her if she hasn’t moved, that realization left a bitter taste in Macy’s mouth.

“Release her!” Marcel growled in a dangerously low tone to the third man he must have intentionally left alive to free Arianna.

There was just pure undiluted anger on Marcel’s face. He looked like a beast in that form and Macy didn’t dare to make a careless move in her hiding place.

Macy knows Marcel knew she was there but he had other priorities, intentionally saving her for the last. Anger and resentment filled Macy, what did she do so wrong? It was not like this was the first time she tortured a target without his approval. Why was he doing this to her? It was so unfair.

As soon as the chains were off Arianna, Marcel took her from the chair and placed her on the ground in a hurry, beginning to perform Cardiopulmonary resuscitation on her.

Seeing that Marcel was busy, the third and only surviving man decided that it would be the perfect opportunity to run for his life. He never wanted any of this, this was that crazy woman’s fault.

Marcel let him run at first, however, as soon as he took the first step on the stairs that led to the outside, he took out his gun and turned, shooting him right at the leg.

The man screamed in pain yet still hopped on the other good foot. The door was closer now and a few more steps, he would reach the outside and call for help, he thought.

That must have been in his imagination because Marcel shot him on the other good foot and he screamed in agonizing pain. Even at that, the man began to crawl on his arms and stomach. He must escape, the door was closer now.

Staring at Arianna’s pale face did nothing but fuel the anger inside of Marcel. So without a trace of remorse, he shot the man in the head and he stayed, dead.

“You should pray she survives else you’d be next in line,” Marcel issued the warning to Macy and she gulped, goosebumps filling her arms. She’d be crazy to go up against Marcel. She’d lose, undoubtedly.

“Alright, come on!” Marcel urged Arianna as he pressed down on her chest with the appropriate amount of strength without crushing her lungs.

Done with the chest compression, he gave her rescue breath before checking for her pulse since she wasn’t breathing. Unfortunately, the pulse was faint, almost extinct.

“Gosh! Come on, you can’t do this to me!” He continued with his chest compressions.

“Don’t die on me, Arianna!” He warned, angry this time, “I thought you were a strong woman?! You haven’t even met redhead,” His voice weakened at the end.

Marcel gave her more compression knowing the danger she was in. CPR can keep oxygen-rich blood flowing to the brain and other organs until emergency medical treatment can restore the normal heart rhythm. But when the heart stops, her body would no longer gets oxygen-rich blood and the lack of that can cause brain damage in only a few minutes.

Unfortunately, waterboarding torture causes brain damage from oxygen deprivation. So even if Arianna miraculously survives that, she was in danger of that.

However, Marcel had confidence in Arianna. The girl was strong and would make it – he hoped.

“Redhead has been waiting for you, Arianna, you can’t let him down now! Come on Arianna!” He pressed down on her chest just as Arianna regained consciousness with a loud gasp as if Marcel pulled her right back from death’s grasp.

Arianna threw up the rest of the water in her lungs, coughing in the process while Marcel sat down on the floor, mentally exhausted. He did it!

After she was able to breath, Arianna turned to Marcel with no fear and asked him, “Who the hell is Redhead?”

Marcel’s face split into a wide smile.

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