Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 209

Marcel fooled her.

Arianna realized regrettably that she had been the one mistaken. But how was that possible? To domesticate a lion? She had heard of rich and influential people who were into such sports and never thought Marcel was one of them until now. Then it hit her.

This was the perfect opportunity.

As if Marcel knew what was on her mind, their eyes connected at that moment.

“No, don’t!” He warned her.

That fell on deaf ears.

Unlike Arianna who took off immediately, Marcel couldn’t chase after her because he was pinned down by Samson.

No one was getting her this time, Arianna decided as she flew down the flights of stairs. She didn’t look back knowing that would be the moment she fails – she can’t let fear cripple her.


The situation was kind of familiar, no, more than familiar considering Arianna couldn’t recall the number of times she found herself in scenarios like this one.

Was it before she was sold off to the Red Giant or while she was captured by Marcel or during the short time with Elijah and then back into the waiting arms of the Red giant?

Thinking about it now, she has been running for over a month. When was she going to get her deserved rest? Would she even get one?

Perhaps, because it was still quite early in the morning with the sun trying to appear above the eastern horizon, Arianna didn’t encounter many hindrances in her way aka his guards.

However, with the racket from upstairs that suggested Marcel coming after her, it wouldn’t be long before she’d be outnumbered so she had to hurry.

Arianna was determined not to get caught this time. She was not a commodity that was moved from one gang to the other. She had fucking rights!

The first man came at her or rather Arianna was the one that lunged at him, pushing him out of her way before he had the chance to recover and come after her. He crashed right into a corner of the foyer, falling some vases and valuable items with him.

With another one down, Arianna successfully made it outside and would have taken advantage of the garage had it not been locked with an input code she had no clue about.

There were some cars parked on the lawn but there was no time to break into one with the noise getting increasingly close to her.

So she moved ahead.

Arianna was not stupid to go through the entrance knowing that would be equivalent to delivering herself on a platter of gold to Marcel. There was one other exit she could easily access if she was fast enough.

The garden.

She was confident about scaling the walls and getting out of this place.

So even when her lungs burned and she desperately needed air, Arianna didn’t stop.

Arianna had gone through worst; sold off by her family to pay off a debt she has no partaking in; separated from the love of her life; she was almost raped; almost suffocated to death by a good pretender; and almost killed by the boyfriend of the good pretender who is also the same asshole that nearly raped her.

So yeah, oxygen deprivation was nothing compared to the need to survive.

However, she discovered something disturbing on the way. She ran across two of Marcel’s soldiers but they made no effort to chase after her which was kind of weird. Instead, they looked tense and ready for.....?

Ready for what exactly?

Then she heard it.

No, Arianna felt him before she even saw him running towards her. There was this deadly tangible aura around Marcel that couldn’t be ignored. Almost as if he was death himself and anything he stepped on or touched withered. And yeah, she broke her rule of not looking back.

Arianna stared back and saw Marcel coming after her like an angry bull; he was all alone. It finally made sense why the guards didn’t stop her, he commanded them to stand down because she was his prize.

Like a fucking alpha wolf, he wanted to claim her to show off his authority and dominance! The idea didn’t thrill Arianna at all. She was not his conquest for crying out loud.

Arianna started losing momentum and she couldn’t tell if it was because she was tired or the fact she was fighting a losing battle. She was a cornered animal, Arianna realized to her dismay.

The garden was in her view now but just like Moses who saw the promised land flowing with milk and honey and couldn’t step in it, Arianna was tackled to the ground. He was to blame for this large stretch of land else she would have reached her destination already.

Thanks to the momentum, both of them fell to the ground and rolled along the slope. But even during that moment, Marcel absorbed much of the fall to protect her.

Arianna didn’t care one bit because she showed her appreciation by throwing her fist at his face.

“Oww!” Marcel groaned, letting her go.

Arianna quickly rose to her feet, her target was still the garden. But Marcel grabbed her from behind and yanked her against his hard chest.

“No, let me go!” Arianna screamed at the top of her voice, driving her elbows right into his stomach as hard as she could.

“Ooof!” Marcel felt the air leave his lungs yet he still held on with one hand to her frustration. Why was he so clingy? Why couldn’t he let go of her for christ’s sake!

Arianna turned this time with cruel intention, lifting her knees to aim for his crotch knowing a kick there would disarm him long enough for her to get away.

But Marcel guessed that move – she was slow and predictable – and deflected the kick. He recovered and pulled her close to his body once more while she struggled furiously.

“Calm down!” He said to her into her ears.

“Calm down my ass! Go f*ck your mother!” Arianna cursed out.

His demeanor changed immediately.

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