Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 602

“Why did you stop? We were having so much fun,” He wasn’t even able to stand straight while speaking to her.

Arianna couldn’t tell if that question was directed at her or the girls that had stopped dancing and staring at him or the soldiers that had straightened up, ready to swarm into action if he dared lay a hand on her.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously, dude?!” Arianna pushed him hard in the chest and he almost fell, getting on his feet at the last minute. Arianna always had a temper in the first place, hence it wasn’t surprising.

“Hey, back off. She’s Marcel’s girlfriend,” Chelsea was the first to come to her defense.

And while Marcel’s name was supposed to invoke some fear into him, the fool sneered instead, “Really? Marcel’s girlfriend?”

He tried to take her hand but Arianna stepped back, disgusted, while some of the soldiers took a step towards them unsure yet alert.

The DJ had lowered the music upon the commotion, sensing the suffocating tension in the room and no one knew what to do anymore. But one thing was sure, they knew which side to support when push came to shove.

He wasn’t worth her time, Arianna decided, shaking her head. She turned to the person next to her not giving a fuck who he was and ordered him,


“He’s drunk, get him out of here.”

She didn’t want to see his face anymore. He has ruined the night alright.

However, the moment Arianna tried to leave, the fool managed to grab her hand, “Come back here! You’re Marcel’s girlfriend, so what? You’re not different from his other whores anyway and they always gave me what I wanted,” He looked over her body lasciviously, sending goosebumps down her arm.

Anger shimmered inside of her, Arianna has had enough. How dare he call her a whore? Before even the soldiers could react, Arianna had pulled back her hand, intending to punch him right in the face, but someone else beat her to it.

No one saw him coming because Victor came out of nowhere. One could say he flew in because he landed a kick on the dude’s face that sent him flying back to the ground and a loud gasp filled the room.

But that was not the end because Victor strode over to where he was and picked up by the short front and began to land blows after blows on his face. Arianna had always wondered why she never saw Victor angry, she could understand why.

While Marcel was like a raging storm that scattered everything in his path when angry, Victor was a boiling hot volcano that pulverized. He didn’t stop, or rather, he couldn’t stop even when his opponent’s face was a mess.

His muscles were tensed and his expression was hard, and murderous, it was like staring at a different Victor, and that kind of scared Arianna who then called for help. With the way things were going, Victor was really going to murder the fool right in front of everybody.

One could almost say that the fool was unlucky enough to make himself an outlet for Victor’s pent-up fury. Luckily, Luca sprang into action and saved his ass from death. But Victor wouldn’t let go.

The scene was almost like that of a vulture refusing to give up its carcass even with the presence of a stronger predator. Victor wanted to rip the fool into pieces.

The other soldiers came to the rescue and successfully took the fool away from the unstable Victor while the onlookers gave them a considerable distance as Victor attacked Luca instead.

However, Luca was a huge man and a fighter, and knew how to handle Victor so he wouldn’t harm himself in the process. To offer support, Leon also came from behind and incapacitated him as if it wasn’t the first time he had witnessed such a meltdown.

That was when it hit Arianna, this wasn’t just an outburst, Victor was sick. She could see it from his unstable breathing and the assuring words Leon kept pouring into his ears to calm him down. Her gaze connected with Luca and she saw the truth there.

He knew.

Luca took his gaze off her and announced to the guests in attendance, “I’m sorry, but this party is over.”

There was great murmuring from the crowd, disappointed with how everything turned out. However, Luca was not listening to them because he pulled Victor to his feet, supported all of his weight, and took him away.

The music ended abruptly and everyone began to pick up their stuff, preparing to leave, although a few of his friends were concerned about Victor’s well-being, the soldiers wouldn’t let them go further into the house. They all had to leave.

Arianna wanted to go to Victor until she remembered her friends and went to Chelsea, “We would meet again, right?”

“Of course. We have dance classes with you now, remember?” She poked her in the belly playfully.

Arianna smiled at her. They were going to have so much fun together.

“Is he going to be okay?” Chelsea tipped her head in the direction Victor went through.

“He should be,” She corrected, “He would be.”

Chelsea smirked naughtily, “He’s my type, you know. Sadly, he’s taken,” She sighed in disappointment.

“Yep, sadly, he’s taken,” Arianna couldn’t agree more. Neither did she tell Chelsea that he was taken by her best friend called Mimi who was also a mad woman when it comes to protecting the things that mattered to her. No, she would save Chelsea the details since she understood her limits clearly.

“But don’t worry, I’ll keep you informed when I see another of your type here,” She promised.

“Aww, I love you so much,” Chelsea hugged her tight, pecking her loudly on the cheeks.

Arianna laughed before going to look for the other girls and said their goodbyes. They would meet again, soon.

When she was done with them, Arianna decided to go see Victor and find out what the hell is going on with him.

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