Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 909 Girl's Hang Out


Mimi was the first person to sight her. Just as she thought, she was the last person to arrive as Mimi and Adele beckoned her to their table. 

"I\'m so sorry I\'m late, I had to coax Aricel and Marcel before leaving." 

Adele snorted a laugh at the side, "You two are determined to call her that, kid is going to grow up hating that name." She laughed once more. 

"The name is a demonstration of the love between Marcel and me, even outsiders think it\'s romantic. Trust me, she\'s going to cherish it when she grows up and learns the history between her parents," Arianna was sure of it. 

"Let\'s pray so." Adele snickered, bringing the drink to her lips, tipped her head back, and chugged it. 

"No, no, this is no time for argument. We came here to have a good time and don\'t mind Adele, she\'s just sour that she had to sneak out through the back door to escape her own children." Mimi was the peacemaker, and this time, it was Arianna\'s turn to laugh. 

"You left through the back door? Tell me, did you go over the fence as well?" She laughed hysterically.

"Funny," Adele arched a brow at Mimi, "Real move, Mimi. Smooth moves." 

Mimi in question merely shrugged and took her drink. If Adele was going to jibe at Arianna, she might as well give her bestie leveled ground. Before Adele became a member of their circle, it was merely her and Arianna anyway. That loyalty was forever imbued in her. 

One might ask how did all three of them become so close to each other? Well, motherhood gave them a reason to bond, moreover, they were family, hence all three women couldn\'t ignore each other and became friends. Hence, even the cold Adele had no choice but to let them in. So for the first time, she had women that she could call girlfriends. 

"Alright, no more drinking!" Mimi announced, "We don\'t want to be drunk on our feet already before having fun." She grabbed both Arianna\'s and Adele\'s hands, tugging them up to their feet, "It\'s time to dance!" She shouted in exhilaration. 

"God, no," Adele groaned, trying to pull her hand free but Mimi held on tight. "I suck at dancing." That was her excuse. 

"No one\'s expert at dancing, you just go with the flow," Mimi said in the middle of executing a shoulder move. 

"Yes," Arianna supported her, "You go with the flow," The both of them began to execute the moves in unison. 

Adele stared at the both of them, trying to put on a smile even though she was envious of their friendship. She knew deep down no matter how much she tried, she could never be part of the special bond between Arianna and Mimi. 

Of course, it was understandable considering the both of them have been friends since the first time they met. Adele thought she should give it time and perhaps, one day, would feel like she truly belonged and not being carried along. If only she knew Arianna and Adele had already accepted her wholly as a member of their circle. 

"Fine," Adele agreed, shutting her eyes and hoping she doesn\'t regret this. 

"Good." Mimi was ecstatic as she hooked her arms around Adele\'s and Arianna\'s, tugging them down to the dance floor. It was awkward at first for Adele who stood, watching them with rapt attention as if hoping to copy their move. But Mimi would have none of that and moved to her, taking one of her hands while Arianna took the other, both moving their hips to the rhythm of the song. 

As if rehearsed, she and Arianna turned in her arms at the same time. Then Arianna went behind to grab her waist and rock against her while Mimi wrapped her arms around her neck and danced with her as if she were the female partner and her - Adele - the male. 

"Shut down your calculative mind for once, Adele. Do not think, just feel." Mimi whispered into her ears, encouraging her, and slowly, the tension began to ease from her body. In no time, she lost herself to the music and it was the three of them dancing on the floor widely. 

They had no care, only to have a good time, hence they were not exactly inconspicuous to the others on the dance floor while they danced. But then they did not worry even though it wasn\'t any of the Luciano family\'s club or the Draven. What fun was it to go to a club you own? 

But all three women felt safe knowing there was no way their husbands would send them off without accounting for their safety. Each of them knew somewhere in the group, there were soldiers sent to keep an eye on them and keep them safe. Other than that, their identities were hidden and as expected, there was always one entitled prick that would try to ruin their night. 

The women ground against each other, obviously having fun when Mimi felt large masculine hands grab her waist from behind without invitation, startling her. 

"What the -!" She turned to glare at the grinning fool who didn\'t even feel the least remorseful and clamored, 

"Don\'t ruin the fun on my account!" He attempted to grab her waist the second time when she reached out and slapped him hard on the face. 

What the hell was wrong with men thinking it was right to grab a woman without permission on the dance floor? It was not right. She came here to dance with her friends not vie for his attention, did he not see that? 

However, the man must not be used to receiving a slap or two on the cheeks on the face from women because there was complete outrage on his face or he was simply high on something. 

"How dare you, bitch?!" He attempted to reach for Mimi when Arianna as well landed a slap on his other cheek. 


Hi guys, I want to render an official apology. This book was suposed to end yesterday, however, I couldn\'t make it due to severe pain in my hands when writing. However, to make it up to you guys, I would release ten chapters that would wrap up their perfect happily ever ending, also there\'s ten percent discount on the 4th tier privilege and thirty percent discount on the last privilege. So sorry once again! 

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