Becoming a Monster

Chapter 88 88: Fenrir’s Changes

"I guess I can be an asshole too."

The self ridicule uplifted the once gloomy emotional atmosphere between the two, eliciting a quirky giggle from Ailetta who was trying to wipe away her earlier tears.

The people watching didn\'t know exactly what was being said except for the brief moments of yelling. However one thing is for certain after seeing Noah and Ailetta reconcile with one another. There were those who were happy for their own reasons, annoyed that the two were taking so long while they had to stand out such a danger area, and then there were those who were either creeped out or to what was transpiring.

"Those two were an item all this time?? Does that mean he\'s coming with us now?"

"He eats dead things and she controls dead things, those two freaks deserve each other."

"I hope the two work out, I\'ll feel much safer if he were to join us."

"Eeew…is she really gonna date that thing? How can anyone sane want to be with him? He still has the blood around his mouth from the time he was eating those zombies!"

"Shut it before he hears you! She probably thinks the same thing…"

"Tsk! I should\'ve got to him first…"

"You too? Really?"

"What? Who cares what\'s wrong with him when he can protect you better than everyone here."

Even though everyone had a different opinion, everyone\'s discussion was centered around Noah and Ailetta. Even though they tried to whisper, it was hard not to hear them.

The earlier warm atmosphere between Noah and Ailetta vanished quickly when Noah heard some of the more disturbing conversations. He released his hand from Ailettas hold before his eyes wander around the students before him, more specifically towards the voices that spoke the more annoying things about them.

"Don\'t worry about them, this is nothing compared to what you are used to right?" Ailetta attempted to pacify him, but she wasn\'t aware of Noah\'s true thoughts.

"It\'s not that, I just want to make sure I remember who they are…" He said softly while making his way back towards Arachne\'s cocoon, leaving the rest of what he wanted to say to himself. Ailetta frowned in worry, but at the same time she wasn\'t sure of what to do or if she should actually do anything for that matter. \'I was finally able to hold his hand and they ruined it!\'. She screamed inwardly as she made her way towards Jasmine and the rest who were all waiting in anticipation to hear the good news. She wasn\'t greedy for all of Noah\'s attention, she knew Noah better than he thinks she does and because of that it was better to take things slow. She would have more time with him later, she wasn\'t in a rush.

Meanwhile after Noah made it towards Arachne, he remembered that someone was missing all this time. His head first spun around towards the \'miniature\' ants carcasses, thinking that Fenrir still hadn\'t had enough. Turning around, he was fully expecting to see a giant wolf munching down ants, but to his surprise and worry, he didn\'t spot anything resembling his wolf.

\'Sigh where did he go this time? I feel like he\'s becoming more and more of a handful since before…\' He was prepared to yell out for him, but decided not to. After exerting himself so much emotionally, he wasn\'t in the mood to somehow attract something over. Knowing that he was left with another option, he closed his eyes, seemingly in a trance as he tried to focus everything on the feeling of his bond.

He could feel the excited feelings of Arachne who was probably dreaming about her new changes and he noticed that he could actually sense vaguely the direction that she was in. When he felt the feelings of Fenrir, he felt that he was just imagining it, but the emotions Fenrir was displaying was almost exactly similar to Arachne and he could vaguely feel his presence as he turned with his eyes still closed. He opened his eyes feeling dumbfounded to what he just experienced, but then he felt it, the prodding that signified a notification. A lightbulb went off over his head, but it soon followed with the feeling of disbelief.

"Don\'t tell me…." He closed his eyes once again to confirm his thoughts.

[Fenrir has chosen to undergo his transformation to evolve into \'Demented Lycan\'.]

Even though deep down Noah was expecting it, confirming that he was right was a different matter altogether.

\'What is it with these two deciding to evolve all on their own? I thought I got to choose?\' Noah was feeling annoyed, but that didn\'t solve his question of where Fenrir was. He remembered that the last time he saw him was when they arrived close to Arachne which just so happened to be right next to the dorm where they occupied themselves long enough for Noah to advance his class.

He had nothing else to go on, but just the vague feeling from earlier. And sure enough as soon as he walked through what should\'ve held a door, he could already hear the sound of loud breathing coming from within. When he peered within he had to squint to fully verify what he was seeing. Fenrir was laying what appeared to be a nest of fur, \'his\' fur, but Noah could see that Fenrir was clearly still covered in it.

The breathing grew louder the closer Noah became and for every step he took he noticed more and more changes happening to Fenrir.

While standing, Fenrir was close to 10ft tall, half of that when on all fours and close to 3ft when lying down. However the Fenrir that he was observing was clearly larger than before by at least two feet!

That wasn\'t the only change he noticed, the dark grey mane that appeared as a second layer that ran down his back was now silver in color. There were parts under his belly that weren\'t covered by fur anymore and when Noah moved around to get a better look, all he could see was abs of steel and half of Fenrir\'s chiseled pecs that were covered with his fur.

Noah had half a mind to strip down to check if he developed a sculpted like body all the same, but he withheld the urge to do so. He continued to make his way around Fenrir and observe his changes. Soon he came upon his paws that grew along with his body, it was hard for him not to notice when he saw that Fenrir\'s arm was going through the same situation as its torso area. Bulging biceps, muscular forearms with protruding veins. The abundance of muscles caused Noah\'s eyes to twitch as he grabbed Fenrir\'s biceps and gave it a squeeze.

"Are you evolving into a better werewolf or a bodybuilder??" He asked out loud, nervous to find a wolf with barely any hair, filled with muscle and going around flexing all of its muscles around. Unconsciously he shook his head to rid himself of those dreadful thoughts before giving his attention to Fenrir\'s paws that caught his attention before.

He walked over to try to lift his paw that seemed to grow a half of size bigger. Fenrir\'s paw was closer to the size of the giant zombie even though the zombie was clearly larger than him. Noah couldn\'t help but gulp when he imagined someone being caught in Fenrir\'s grip.


Noah suddenly dropped Fenrir\'s paw without any prior warning. Before he dropped it, he was curiously inspecting the claws of Fenrir that were the same silver as his mane. He didn\'t notice that as he was touching and holding the area around his claws, the pressure he used caused Fenrir\'s claws to stretch out, cutting his arm through the armor in the process.

There was a deep gash in his forearm that began to leak blood as he applied pressure. But he was more shocked about Fenrir\'s claws tearing through his armor so easily than he was about receiving the wound.

"Sssss! His claws is fucking sharper than my sword!" He looked back down towards his wound to find that it wasn\'t anywhere near his wrist, allowing him to breath out in relief. He thought about getting someone to heal his arm, but he hesitated to ask anyone for help. That\'s when he remembered a familiar face from the group. He put investigating the rest of Fenrir\'s changes on hold as he went outside to where the students were. To his surprise he saw all of the students outside of his dorm.

Without thinking, he released the grip of his arm to retrieve his sword from his ring. The students didn\'t see him use his ring before, but when they saw him magically pull out such a large sword from thin air, they were amazed. However that amazement died fairly quickly when they noticed that sword being directed towards him. Besides the ones who were already afraid of him. Only some of the more skittle people, as well as the guards were the only ones to put up their guard to fight back.

"You\'re bleeding! What happened to you?" The heavy atmosphere faded with Ailetta running towards him, but Noah wasn\'t in the mood to change subjects while he looked towards the others before talking to Ailetta.

"Why are they here? I said I would spend the night with you, not all of them too."

"Th-they thought it would be better if we all stayed in one place…but we won\'t have to stay in the same rooms so it should be fine right? Can we talk about it after we get your arm healed?" She turned towards the crowd of students who were beginning to feel uneasy.

"Can one of you heal his arm?" She seemed to almost beg, if he knew it was going to turn out like this then he would rather let his wound heal naturally.

No one moved for the first few seconds, but then almost at the same time two people stepped forward. One person was from Mark\'s group while the other was Isabelle. They both stopped to look at one another as if deciding who to go which proved to be unnecessary.

"You" Noah pointed towards Isabelle who for the first time since his last confrontation with her finally showed a hint of emotion. She almost took a step back instinctively out of fear. Her feelings toward Noah was….complicated. She respected, hated, relied and was fearful of him all at the same time. And right now he was the only person that still left an impact on her after the death of Derrick.

"You still owe me from before…" The following words caused Ailetta to open her eyes wide in shock before they narrowed towards Isabelle. She\'s read the same kind of stories where the female love interest would have multiple competitors who never gave the male lead any attention, but swarmed from everywhere when he obtained power. Her intuition was telling her that the same was happening now.

Isabelle shivered after hearing that Noah never forgot about the promise she gave him that she failed to do after saving her. With a slight nod, she walked towards him while Noah\'s eyes then roamed to the rest of the group.

"And don\'t think I forgot about you all…" He looked them all over, noticing the extra equipment that most of them were wearing compared to last time.

"Where\'s my money?"

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