Becoming a Monster

Chapter 89 89: Learning His Place

"Where\'s my money?"

His gaze narrowed even more when he saw the confusion written on their faces, there were only a few there who seemed to know what he was talking about. Bailey and Jasmine in particular were the two that his eyes lingered the most on. He still remembered the cure he gave them for Paul\'s infection and the fact that Bailey had begged him for the vial while Jasmine tried to lie to him about the price.

It wasn\'t just Ailetta, but any one of the people in the group felt uncomfortable when meeting his eyes that seemed to grow more ominous every time they saw him.

Jasmine, for some reason seemed hesitant, but Bailey came prepared.

"I- I have it right here!" She spoke while raising her hand without thinking, but with the present atmosphere, no one bothered to call her out for it. Ever since she had received the cure from Noah, she made sure that her and her small group collectively shared their gold so they could pay Noah back in the future.

Unlike Jasmine, Bailey was always living with the fear in the back of her mind at the possible thought that Noah would actually come find them and being around Ailetta all this time proved to be a constant reminder for her.

Her outburst before was because of this reason. She felt proud of herself that she made the right decision earlier, otherwise who knows what would happen to them, especially after seeing how strong Noah had become.

Due to her nervousness, she almost tripped in her attempt to run towards him and passed Isabelle on the way. The blood was still dripping from his arm, but money was more important than a little pain.

She saw Noah motion out his hand, she glanced over towards Ailetta who stood by his side before she took his hand. For a moment or two they just stood there in silence. Noah\'s eye went from her face to her hand and repeated the action twice before he became confused.

"….Are you messing with me?" He questioned coldly. The question, coupled with his tone caused Baileys heart to pause in fright, before she yelped in embarrassment.

"I\'m-I\'m sorry! I\'m just nervous…" her voice fell towards the end before she closed her eyes to complete the transaction. The process didn\'t require the person to close their eyes, but doing so helped Bailey to calm her mind so she could concentrate on the task.

While that was happening, Isabelle was already tending towards his arm. The large group stared at this particular scene in a daze. Two of what would be considered popular girls doing school were now at the beck and call to Noah when he supposedly already had a woman right by his side.

Of course the thoughts that some of them were having were more than a little exaggerated, but their minds couldn\'t help but be over imaginative during this time.

"Are you ser-"

"Mark no, this isn\'t the time nor even a good reason to provoke him. It\'s what she decided so we shouldn\'t interfere." Jasmine was quick to reprimand her little brother who was just rearing to have a vocal battle with Noah again. She noticed a long time ago that Noah seemed to have a short fuse and from what she heard from what happened at the cafeteria before they arrived, that fuse was getting shorter. She prayed deeply that Mark would listen to her just this one time.

Mark looked towards Jasmine in shock, then spontaneously he looked her up and down as if she was someone he didn\'t recognize. His mouth was left half opened, the feeling of being betrayed by Jasmine left him speechless.

However he couldn\'t bring himself to say anything back towards her, instead he gazed towards Noah with an anger like never before. Unlike last time, he managed to contain his rage. Being made aware of where his sister stood in this regard helped him to not act on his impulses. He was also there to witness the carnage Noah and his monsters did to the ants that they struggled with even as a group.

\'Just you wait…I\'ll become stronger than you and make you regret \'everything\'…\'

After Noah received what he wanted and Isabelle finished healing him, he walked away towards the dorm, but he spoke to Ailetta first while passing her.

"I\'ll be waiting on the next floor, the room closest to the stairs." He said briefly before continuing into the dorm. He didn\'t want to stay around so many people, even before, he always felt uncomfortable in crowds, but now that uncomfortableness has become more of an annoyance to him.

Ailetta could only smile wryly as she watched him leave before turning to the rest.

"So is it safe to go in now?" Someone asked nervously, they just happened to also be one of the many who didn\'t want to fight. After what happened when they ran into the group of zombies inside the other dorm, he or any of the students who followed along with him weren\'t brave enough to follow into the dorm behind Noah without the rest of the group in the lead.

Instead of answering, Jasmine looked towards Ailetta who looked back before her cheeks gradually turned red when she noticed what Jasmine was implying.

"Well he didn\'t say no…so it should be fine..I think?" Her answer didn\'t do anything to comfort the group at all, but it only made them more nervous to proceed.

"Well I\'ll go, I don\'t know why everyone is so worried. Noah isn\'t as bad of a person that you all make him out to be. He did just save us after all and I heard this isn\'t the first time he saved many of you here."

Ishii stepped up with complete confidence. He was unsettled when he found out that Noah actually ate zombie meat and even killed people before. But when he actually questioned Ailetta about the situation, who he learned knew the most about his idol, he realized that everyone else was completely biased against Noah and in his opinion a little ungrateful.

It only took one to take the lead, before the rest soon followed one by one. Alicia and the few that were more loyal and dependent on Ishii were the first to follow before the rest followed suit. However when they saw Ishii go through the doors, they became restless when they saw Ishii literally jump out of the dorm, his breath quickening as he tried to steady his heart.

Asking what\'s wrong, Ishii turned towards the rest and scratched the back of his neck embarrassingly while sporting a smile.

"Hehe I didn\'t think that wolf of his was going to be in there sleeping, sorry guys."

Trying again, they followed behind, each person being shocked as each one came in to witness Fenrir during his slumber. Just his presence alone was enough to frighten some of them to the point that they were afraid to continue in. Instinctively they walked on their toes attempting to be as silent as possible. After seeing what the werewolf could do, they were more afraid of Fenrir then they were of Noah, especially when his owner wasn\'t there to keep him in control if they were to wake him.

Feeling unsafe on the first floor since not only was the door broken, but Fenrir was also on that level, Ishii led his small group to the next floor while the rest naturally followed right behind.

Outside, some of the main group were still waiting. Bailey, Isabelle, along with Jasmine were standing opposite of Ailetta while the rest of their groups waited by the side.

"If he decides not to follow us, will you go with him?" Jasmine asked with a saddened tone, she felt that she already knew the answer but she needed to confirm it.

"I….I don\'t know….honestly I don\'t even know if he will let me follow him still…" Her response made the three women look at her in disbelief.

"But we thought….wait, then what was with that affectionate atmosphere you two had going on before?" Bailey asked, she was sure that the two had decided to start dating, but why did Ailetta seem to suggest otherwise?

The question caused Ailettas cheeks to glow rosier than before.

"Well it\'s complicated…That man\'s heart is like a fortress and that talk was basically me finally reaching the gate. Don\'t look at me like that! You don\'t know, but this is huge for me!" She began to pout towards the girls who were giving her both awkward and worried looks.


She looked up towards the window above them, the same one that she saw Noah jump out of from before. She stared towards that direction with eyes that were determined and ready to do anything to get what she wants.

"If he lets me then I\'ll probably follow wherever he goes…" The girls were speechless, they just saw a woman who was too far gone in her own emotions and didn\'t know whether they should encourage her or try to persuade her to stay with them.

"Hmph! Well hurry up then, it\'ll be nice not to see your face anymore."

"Mark!" Both Jasmine and Bailey yelled angrily, only to receive a shrug from him in return.

"Haha~" Soon after, they heard an adorable laugh coming from Ailetta who was wiping away a tear when they turned to face her.

"Have you still not notice that every time you open your mouth the more dumb you sound? Haha~" She continued to laugh in spite of the fact that Mark was quickly growing irritated.

"Haa…you\'re just a kid throwing a jealous tantrum. When you grow up you\'ll realize that you will never amount to anything." The look everyone was giving Ailetta was the same look Mark gave Jasmine earlier.

\'Who is this??\' The thought rang in the girls\' minds as they all heard what she said.

Maybe it\'s out of love or maybe what the world has turned into caused it, but they all noticed the fact that ever since that event when she was going to sacrifice herself, Ailetta has been slowly changing.

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